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Mrs. Fulton’s 3rd Grade Leaders

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1 Mrs. Fulton’s 3rd Grade Leaders
Pin this to your fridge so you know what’s going on! February 1, 2016 ~~ SPECIAL NEWS AND NOTES ~~ Special News & Notes Math Write Now – This is an amazing 3-day where you and your child will learn easy minute activities to support your child’s writing development in the area of Math at home. The dates are Feb. 2, 16, and March 1, from 6:00-7:30. Dinner and child care is provided. Please return the RSVP at the bottom of the form your child brought hom. Multiplication Madness – MPLEASE PRACTICE MULTIPLICATION FACTS UP TO 12’S WITH YOUR CHILD. After several months, we still have students who cannot do their 3’s and 4’s. Multiplication fluency is critical for being successful in 4th grade, so now is the time to get these facts mastered. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) -- It would be helpful to have the following apps on your child’s device: Istation, Brain Pop, and Accelerated Reader (AR). Mrs. Fulton’s … Sawgrass Bay School Website ease – move slowly and carefully   clench – hold or squeeze tightly  display – show something caretaker – person whose job is to take care of a building or land  aroma – a pleasant or good smell  slump – fall or sit down suddenly and heavily customary – usual or normal, it happens regularly energize – give energy or strength appetizing – tasty or good to eat plain – simple or not fancy differ – not the same refreshing – something that makes you feel more energetic or stronger VOCABULARY TEST 2/10 STANDARDS READING – Unit 5: Comparing Two Texts LANGUAGE ARTS – Adjectives & Adverbs, Coordinating & Subordinating Conjunctions MATH – Topic 11: Word Problems SCIENCE – Stars and Space UPCOMING ASSESSMENTS ELA – Wed., 3/3, Spelling Test MATH – Fri., 3/5, Topic 11 Test SCIENCE – Thurs., 3/4, Chapter 2 Test Mon., Feb. 1 – SAC Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Mon., Feb. 8 – FSA Parent Night Mon., Feb. 15 – No School, Presidents’ Day IMPORTANT DATES Reading – Due Friday (See homework instruction sheet in Bobcat Binder for details) Monday – Use all Smart 7 Strategies for Weekly Passage Tuesday – Vocabulary or Spelling Activity from Choice Board Wednesday – 5 Definitions and Sentences from Weekly Passage Thursday – 3–5 sentence response to Question in Agenda Math – Due Next Day Worksheets will come home Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and are due the following day. HOMEWORK SPELLING TEST 2/3 1. ought 2. soft 3. yawn 4. walk 5. long 6. also 7. thaw 8. lost 9. cause 10. taught 11. pause 12. straw 13. false 14. author 15. thirsty 16. creature 17. uncurled 18. curtain 19. mixture 20. return

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