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Industry Shipperless & Unregistered Working Group

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1 Industry Shipperless & Unregistered Working Group
Wednesday 27th July 11.00am at Xoserve

2 Agenda Introduction: (Alison Jennings & Mark Woodward)
Previous minutes Root Cause report: Comments relating to Root Cause Report Statistical Information: (Mark Woodward) Overall industry position with unregistered and shipperless meter points Updates: MOD0369/369a MPRN Creation Workgroup Agree next steps for workgroup

3 Shipper Comments to root report
Consumer not mentioned either as a contributing factor or within any solution. Some of the proposed solutions will decrease the shipperless numbers, but will not solve the problem. The problem is just “rebranded” as something else. Root cause 5 - MPRN’s created for IGT/LPG sites “Shippers not asking the right questions”. What is the evidence for this and what are the “right” questions? GT and xoserve data collection exercises - Do we always believe what the householder says and is the householder always able to accurately access the situation? Operating processes and solutions should be reviewed in the context of participant incentives.

4 Overall Industry Unregistered and Shipperless Sites Meter Points

5 MPRN Workgroup a) Service laid at same point on the main (Alteration of service, Service replacement & Capacity increase) b) Old service disconnected and new service fitted at a different location in the gas main d) Additional service fitted at different points in same gas main c) Old service disconnected and new service fitted at different main

6 g) New service laid at any point on the main (New Development)
MPRN Workgroup e) House converted to flats old service removed and additional services fitted at different points in the same gas main f) House converted to flats and existed service changed to flat 1 and additional services fitted at different points in the same gas main g) New service laid at any point on the main (New Development)

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