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Myths are traditional stories that serve many purposes:

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Presentation on theme: "Myths are traditional stories that serve many purposes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Myths are traditional stories that serve many purposes:
What is a myth? Myths are traditional stories that serve many purposes: Myths give meaning to life Myths explain the unexplainable (How did I get here?) Myths explain natural phenomena Myths provide guidelines for living

2 Myths have…. (according to our discussion)
Gods who create the earth, humans and animals--often out of common materials. Gods that have human characteristics Conflict Answers to the questions: Why am I here? Why do things happen? A moral or lesson

3 Mythic Pattern Situation or Challenge
These elements often occur as a mythic pattern. Many myths contain these elements and they occur over and over again. Situation or Challenge Moral or Lesson Main character goes on a journey Resolution: Problem solved Confrontation

4 CHALLENGE There is usually a problem, situation or challenge that confronts the main character. This is where the main character usually experiences conflict

5 JOURNEY Very often, the main character embarks on a journey, either to meet the challenge or to solve the problem presented.

6 CONFRONTATION The situation or challenge is resolved by the main character. Here, the main character finds the answers, defeats an enemy, or learns something essential.

7 RESOLUTION The mythic character solves the problem and thus, the myth is concluded.

8 LESSON OR MORAL There is a lesson or “moral to the story”.
In its conclusion, the myth provides us with an answer, an explanation, or an important idea.

9 Mythic Pattern Review Purposes of myth include………
Often, these occur in a mythic cycle. Many myths have a mythic pattern. The mythic pattern often contains these: __________ _________ __________

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