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Marine Strategy Framework Directive:

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1 Marine Strategy Framework Directive:
Update on relevant support projects European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit 17th Marine Strategy Coordination Group meeting, 5 November 2015, Brussels

2 MSFD Action Plans 2014 Type Grant agreement for an action (call of proposals) Budget EUR Title Best practices for action plans to develop integrated, regional monitoring programmes, coordinated programmes of measures and addressing data and knowledge gaps in coastal and marine waters Co-financing Maximum co-financing rate 80% of eligible costs Deadline for applications 17 November 2014 Duration Up to 15 months

3 Baltic Boost Title Baltic Sea project to boost regional coherence of marine strategies through improved data flow, assessments, and knowledge base for development of measures Coordinator HELCOM Partners 11 partners: SYKE, NIVA, Utartu, SLU-Aqua, FOI, LFN, SMNH, TI-OF, DTU Aqua, IOW, ICES Geographical area Baltic Sea as defined in the Helsinki Convention, i.e. including the Kattegat Objectives The general objective of the project is to enhance regional coherence in the accomplishment of the 2018 reporting under the MSFD by developing joint tools, defining data needs and to set up data arrangements to support indicator-based assessments of the state of and pressures on the Baltic Sea. The project will also take a step towards development of joint environmental targets for pressures affecting seabed habitats by developing a knowledge base and principles for defining such targets. Furthermore, the project will through a number of activities support the development of a joint document on regional coordinated Programmes of Measures (PoMs) for HELCOM EU Member States. The project addresses in particular MSFD Descriptors 1, 6,8 and 11 and the reporting of PoMs under Article 13. 3

4 ActionMed Title Action Plans for Integrated Regional Monitoring Programmes, Coordinated Programmes of Measures and Addressing Data and Knowledge Gaps in Mediterranean Sea Coordinator Hellenic Centre For Marine Research - HCMR Partners 8 Partners: UNEP/MAP, CORILA, IEO, USalento, UoA, NIB, ISOTECH Ltd, UTH Geographical area The consortium cover most of the Mediterranean EU countries (namely Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, and Cyprus). Objectives The main aim is to support and improve the implementation of the MSFD cycle across the Mediterranean focusing on the needs in close collaboration with UNEP/MAP and its Ecosystem Approach. The project will review the initial assessment, the GES definition and the environmental target setting in 2018, with emphasis on biodiversity, will develop integrated, coordinated and financially sustainable regional Action Plans (short, mid-term and long-term and best practices for monitoring programmes (Art. 11), and programmes of measures (Art. 13), test their implementation and finally will support the establishment of an information Management System to fill data gaps for Mediterranean marine waters.

5 EcApRHA Title Applying an ecosystem approach to (sub) regional habitat assessments (EcApRHA): addressing gaps in biodiversity indicator development for the OSPAR Region from data to ecosystem assessment Coordinator OSPAR Secretariat Partners 9 partners: BIOCONSULT, CEFAS, CNRS, IEO, JNCC, MNHN, NIOZ, SAHFOS, UNICAEN Geographical area It is proposed that this project would cover the full EU MSFD waters that fall within the OSPAR Region (e.g. OSPAR Regions II, III and IV). Objectives The actions identified in this proposal will focus on overcoming identified challenges in the development of indicators relating to MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive (56/2008/EU)) Descriptors D1, D4 and D6 and deliver an action plan to OSPAR that will enable monitoring and assessment at the (sub) regional scale, to contribute to the OSPAR 2017 Intermediate Assessment. The planned actions will address three key issues in the development of habitat related indicators (benthic habitats, pelagic habitats and food webs).

6 MISTIC'SEAS Title Macaronesia Islands Standard Indicators and Criteria: Reaching Common Grounds on Monitoring Marine Biodiversity in Macaronesia Coordinator Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FRCT) Partners 6 partners: DRAM, SRA, DGRM, FB, IEO, DGSCM Geographical area The whole Macaronesia marine subregion, as it is considered in the MSFD will be covered by this proposal, since it will address all the marine waters from Madeira, Azores and Canary islands. Objectives The main objective of this project is to establish a common road-map for improving an ensuring the coordination for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC) implementation by the two Member States (Spain and Portugal, through the Governments of Spain, for Canaries, and the Governments of the Azores and Madeira) in the Macaronesia Northeast Atlantic sub-region.

7 Information about on-going contract MSFD and licencing, authorisation, and permitting procedures
Objectives: Contribute to attainment of GES by 2020? Cost of these procedures? Good practices in MS? Questionnaire sent to MS Workshop in February 2016 Final deliverable: report mapping MS practices

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