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Welcome to Open House! 2018-2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Open House! 2018-2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Open House!

2 My goal this evening is to provide information about:
Why are we here? My goal this evening is to provide information about: Contact Info / Website / Google Classroom Codes EL Language Arts Curriculum Assessments & Grading Homework / Homework Calendar At-home Tips for Success

3 About Mrs. Baldyga Education: Wake Forest University
BA English Literature Journalism minor University of the Pacific MA Curriculum and Instruction Years Teaching: 10 School Settings: Public (Wake County, San Francisco Unified) Charter (Cary, NC) Private (San Francisco) Grade Levels Taught: K, 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th grades 7th grade - Language Arts Contact Information Website: Google Classroom codes: 1st: a6rtiye 4th: qy0xdr4 5th: gqgepjc 7th: 95e519

4 ELA Units Module 1: Survival and Journeys (Quarter 1)
Skill focus: Reading Closely / Writing to Learn Mentor Text: A Long Walk To Water by Linda Sue Park Module 2: Working Conditions (Quarter 2) Skill focus: Working with Evidence Mentor Text: Lyddie by Katherine Paterson Module 3: Slavery: The People Could Fly (Quarter 3) Skill focus: Understanding Perspectives Mentor Text: Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass (excerpts) Module 4: Screen Time and the Developing Brain (Quarter 4) Skill focus: Reading and Research Mentor Text: assorted articles

5 The complete grading policy can be found on the Mills Park website.
Assessments & Grading mid-unit and end-of-unit assessments Module 1: two-voice poem Module 2: mini research project/working conditions survey Module 3: create a children’s book Module 4: position paper/visual representation quizzes on academic concepts/reading skills (setting, tone, context clues, inferences, etc.) informal assessments (exit tickets, short answer, inferencing, etc.) homework The complete grading policy can be found on the Mills Park website.

6 Homework? Yes! possible homework assignments:
independent reading in our novel Reader’s Notes from the text/lesson any classwork NOT completed in class on occasion... study/review for quizzes on academic concepts & reading skills end-of-unit/end-of-quarter… complete assignments or performance tasks to finish the module Homework Calendar

7 How can I help my 7th grader this year?
Verify that homework is complete. Check the homework calendar with your child daily. Check PowerSchool periodically for missing work. me or request a conference if you have a more significant concern. Help your child remember his/her materials (novel/workbook/composition book) Ask your child about the books they are reading!

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