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Starter Can you name any pieces of legislation that retail businesses need to abide by?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Can you name any pieces of legislation that retail businesses need to abide by?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Can you name any pieces of legislation that retail businesses need to abide by?

2 Objectives To analyse the effects of legislation on a retail business’s operations

3 New Information Legislation, refers to a group of laws. Retailers are required to follows laws in a number of areas including; health & safety; consumer protection; security; equality & diversity; and age restriction.

4 Why do consumers need legal protection from retailers?
Apply Why do consumers need legal protection from retailers? The law gives customers protection against unfair selling practices. The consumer has basic legal rights if the product is: > given a misleading description > of an unsatisfactory quality > not fit for its intended purpose

5 Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994
New Information Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 This Act says that all products have to be of a 'satisfactory quality'. This means that they have to: > be safe > last for a reasonable amount of time > be fit for their intended purpose > have nothing wrong with them (unless the defect was noted at the time of sale) How does this apply to ElAr Sports? Apply

6 How does this apply to ElAr Sports?
New Information If an age-restricted product is sold to an underage person, even if they claim they are for an adult, the retailer and the salesperson can be guilty of a criminal offence. Anyone who sells age-restricted products should be fully aware of the age limits, adequately trained and aware of company procedures and policies to ensure that no sale ever takes place to an underage person. ​Age restrictions in the UK include the following high street products and services: > Tobacco products > Fireworks > Videos and computer games > Intoxicating substances > Butane gas and fluids > National lottery > Alcohol including liqueur chocolates > Body piercing > Offensive weapons How does this apply to ElAr Sports? Apply

7 > Who will be responsible for H&S at ELAr sports?
New Information Health and Safety > Who will be responsible for H&S at ELAr sports? > Explain what will should be included in the businesses H&S policy. > How can risks be managed in the business? > How the business should go about consulting and training staff > Any facilities that ELAr sports should provide. > Mention the H&S poster that ELAr sports should display > Describe the insurance requirements for the business.

8 The Consumer Protection Act 1987 This protects the public by:
New Information The Consumer Protection Act 1987 This protects the public by: prohibiting the manufacture and supply of unsafe goods making the manufacturer or seller of a defective product responsible for damage it causes allowing local councils to seize unsafe goods and suspend the sale of suspected unsafe goods prohibiting misleading price indications How does this apply to ElAr Sports? Apply

9 The Trade Descriptions Act 1968
New Information The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 The Trade Descriptions Act makes it an offence for a trader to make false or misleading statements about goods or services. It carries criminal penalties and is enforced by Trading Standards Officers, making it an offence for a trader to: apply a false trade description to any goods supply or offer to supply any goods to which a false trade description has been applied make certain kinds of false statement about the provision of any services, facilities or accommodation How does this apply to ElAr Sports? Apply

10 How does this apply to ElAr Sports?
New Information Standards In the UK, standards are regulated by the British Standards Institution (BSI). Products which meet these standards can be marked with the KiteMark. There are also separate standards for the European Union. If a product meets these, it can be given a CE Mark. The marks show government officials that the product conforms to a standard, which enables it to be legally placed on the market within their country. How does this apply to ElAr Sports? Apply

11 Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994
New Information Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 This Act says that all products have to be of a 'satisfactory quality'. This means that they have to: be safe last for a reasonable amount of time be fit for their intended purpose have nothing wrong with them (unless the defect was noted at the time of sale) How does this apply to ElAr Sports? Apply

12 Businesses must have license to give credit.
New Information Consumer Credit Act This Act protects you when you borrow or buy on credit. The Consumer Credit Act states that: Businesses must have license to give credit. No one under 18 is to be invited to borrow or buy on credit. Businesses have to state an Annual Percentage Rate (APR). If you sign a credit agreement at home you have several days in which you can tear up the agreement. This is called a 'cooling off period' How does this apply to ElAr Sports? Apply



15 Equality and diversity
New Information Equality and diversity Discrimination means treating you unfairly because of who you are. The Equality Act 2010 protects you from discrimination. The characteristics that are protected by the Equality Act 2010 are: age disability gender reassignment pregnancy and maternity marriage or civil partnership (in employment only) race religion or belief gender sexual orientation. If an employee feels they have been discriminated against, they can go to an employment tribunal and the business will be investigated. They might have to pay compensation and will get bad publicity How does this apply to ElAr Sports? Apply

16 Review

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