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Adding text, frames, shapes, diagrams & web links

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1 Adding text, frames, shapes, diagrams & web links
Prezi Presentation This is what we do in every presentation and perhaps this would be the most important tutorial module for the training. Adding text, frames, shapes, diagrams & web links

2 In this tutorial you will learn:
How add the following in your presentation: Text Frames Shapes Diagrams Web links They are the main elements of your presentation which will help you in building your Prezi story.

3 How to add text? Click anywhere on the canvas. A textbox is created.
The styles of your text can be : Title, Subtitle or Body Using the smaller sized A and bigger sized A you can change the font size of your text. The next icon is used to change the color of your text. “B” is for making the text bold. “I” is for making the text italic. The icon next to “I” lets you toggle between highlighting and not highlighting the selected text. The next icon will create a bulleted list. The following icon is the alignment icon. The last 2 icons are for indentation. You can also use the transformation tool to change the size of the text using the handles of the textbox.

4 How to add frames? Right click on the textbox you want to frame.
Choose “Add to path” from the options. This will add the frame to the end of your presentation path. If you want a particular textbox to be presented as a frame in your Prezi, you can add it by right clicking on the textbox and choosing “Add to path”. This will add the frame to the end of your presentation’s path. You can move the frame around and place it in the position you want it to be displayed in.

5 How to add frames? (Contd.)
Click on “Frames & Arrows” Choose any frame if you want to add to it. This was done by clicking on “Frames & Arrows” and then selecting the rectangle frame. The frame can be drawn as big or small as your preference.

6 How to add shapes? Adding shapes is easy. Click on “insert” and then select “symbols and shapes”. You can choose from a myriad of symbols and shapes which will pop up in the right side of your screen. 1. Click on “Insert” and then select “symbols and shapes” 2. The choices show up on the right side of the canvas.

7 How to add shapes? (Contd.)
These shapes can be dragged to your canvas and placed wherever you want them to be. You can also change the size of the shape by clicking on it and resizing it by using the handles of the box which appears around the symbol or shape. 3. You can drag the shape or symbol of your choice into the canvas and adjust it using the transformation tool. 4. Your symbol or shape is ready.

8 How to create a diagram? 1. Click on “Insert” and select “Diagram…”
Prezi has 12 pre-built diagrams which can help you illustrate your idea and concept. You can choose them under “Insert”>”Diagram…” 1. Click on “Insert” and select “Diagram…” 2. Select the diagram you want to choose from the various diagrams which are displayed.

9 How to create a diagram? (Contd.)
You can select the diagram type you want to be inserted into the canvas and then click on “choose”. The selected diagram will be inserted into your canvas. 3. Selected the timeline diagram on the left and clicked on “Choose” 4. The selected diagram is inserted into your canvas.

10 How to create a diagram? (Contd.)
The selected diagram can be edited and information can be added by selected the place you want to edit.

11 How to add web links? Any text starting with “http…” or “https…” is automatically converted by Prezi into a web link. The link may not be visible in full screen but it does open to another page when you click on the link in the “Present” mode.

12 In this tutorial, you learned:
How add the following in your presentation: Text Frames Shapes Diagrams Web links They are the main elements of your presentation.

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