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2 What are classifiers? Classifiers are specific handshapes that represent different characteristics (shapes, sizes, movements, locations, etc.) of topics/ideas. Classifiers do not replace signs. Rather, they are used to provide further detail about a particular person, place, thing, or idea.

3 How do you write classifiers in asl gloss?
CL: C CL: V CL: F CL: “CL” is short for “classifier” The number/letter combo that follows the colon (“:”) is the handshape that is used. “ ” means that the handshape is bent : : V


5 CL: 1 Person / People Cables/Wires Antennas Markers/Placement
Trees, Lamps, Poles, People, etc.

6 CL: 3 Automobiles (cars, trucks, etc.) Boats/Jet skis Bicycles
Moving object falling over

7 CL: B Books/Paper (Placement of) Books/Paper (Stacks of) Flat objects
Curtains/Posters Tables/Desks (location of)

8 CL: Base B Flat objects being used as a base for another classifier to be placed on top (e.g., baby crawling on the floor, bug walking across a table, etc.)

9 : CL: V Sitting down Seating arrangement Fangs/Teeth Roots Furniture

10 CL: V Standing up Walking Eyes (Looking) Falling over Sliding

11 CL: C Cups/Bottles Columns Large bars Tunnels

12 : CL: L Plates Clocks Thin, round objects Eye glasses

13 CL: G Candy bars Layers / Stacks Thin objects Eyelids

14 CL: F Buttons Polka Dots Straws Eyes

15 CL: R Braids Ropes Ribbons Dough Twisted things

16 CL: 4 Eyelashes Spikes Hair Lines of people Fence / Gate

17 Classifier Project Look through old magazines and newspapers or you may find and print images online. Pick 5 pictures related to sports or outdoor activities that you can thoroughly describe using classifiers. BRING THESE MONDAY! Cut out and paste the 5 pictures on construction paper. Label the classifier symbols used to describe the pictures and specifically explain in complete sentences why each CL was chosen.

18 EXAMPLE: CL: 5 You can link your hands together using this classifier to represent the overall shape of this climbing triangle. CL: 4 This classifier would be crossed over another CL: 4 to represent the crossed pattern of the ropes. CL: R This classifier can be used to show the braided twist of the rope. CL: V This classifier would be used to represent the two people climbing up the rope ladder, facing each other. CL: C This classifier could be used to represent the rounded helmets the two people are wearing. :

19 Your Evaluation You will be graded on the creativity of your picture choices, the neatness of your project, the accuracy of your classifier choices, and the thoroughness of your written explanations. I will provide construction paper, glue, scissors, etc…you just need to provide the FIVE images – large and in color!

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