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1 Windows Group Presentation
“Responsible Sourcing” Windows Group Presentation Wednesday 19th January 2011 Dr Jason Leadbitter Sustainability & Compliance Manager, INEOS ChlorVinyls

2 Contents Responsible Sourcing What are the options?
What is it? Why bother with it? What are the options? BES 6001 – Methodology  Summary BS8902 – Methodology  Summary Conclusions of both approaches Discussion

3 Responsible Sourcing What is it?
Responsible Sourcing of Materials (RSM) Responsible sourcing of materials is demonstrated through an ethos of supply chain management and product stewardship and encompasses social, economic and environmental dimensions Environment Society Economics

4 Responsible Sourcing Why Bother with it?
Gain additional 2-3 credits from Code for Sustainable Homes Mat 3 – Responsible Sourcing of Materials – Finishing Elements p 113 BES Listed in Green Book Live Satisfy chain of custody requests from downstream customers Key Action from DEFRA RoadMap Sustainability Action Plan Maintains good relationships with our Regulators and demonstrates commitment towards SD Industry backed target that 25% of construction products are responsibly sourced by 2012 Potential Differentiation in Market Potential for longer-term FSC type label or BES Certificate Seen as “the right thing to do” Key driver towards sustainable development Benchmarking and Continual Improvement

5 What are the Options? Two Potential Routes: BES 6001 BS 8902
Developed by BRE in 2009 BS 8902 Developed by BSI in 2009

6 BES 6001 Methodology Developed by BRE Global as a new framework standard Perceived need for suppliers (other than timber) to have ability to match the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) This standard sets out requirements under 3 main headings: Organisational Management Supply Chain Management Environmental & Social Issues Organisations must meet certain compulsory elements All of these must be met to achieve a pass Additional points are rewarded for voluntary performance beyond compulsory requirements: Based on a points scoring methodology, leading to: Excellent Very Good Good

7 Uptake regarding BES 6001 Aggregates Industry
Serious uptake for BES 6001 Currently 17 companies with 42 certificates between them largely from Aggregates industry (e.g. clay, brick and concrete) listed within Green Book Live Why the Aggregates industry Quarry Products Provides opportunities to get across environmental benefits E.g.. Biodiversity increase

8 BES 6001 – Key Criteria Organisational Management Requirements
Responsible Sourcing Policy – compulsory – 1 element Legal Compliance – compulsory – 1 element Quality Management System – compulsory – 2 elements Supplier Management System – compulsory – 1 element Supply Chain Management Requirements Material Traceability Through the supply chain – compulsory – 3 elements Environmental Management Systems in supply chain – compulsory -4 elements Health & Safety Management in supply chain – compulsory – 4 elements Env & Social Requirements Greenhouse Gas Emissions – compulsory – 4 elements Resource Use- compulsory – 4 elements Waste Management – 4 elements Water Extraction – 4 elements LCA – 3 elements Transport Impacts – 4 elements Employment & Skills – 4 elements Local Communities – 4 elements

9 BES 6001 – Procedure & Costs Application & Fee Proposal
Up to 5 sites and/or 5 product ranges per company £350 Up to 100 sites and/or 30 product ranges per company £1300 Proposal Pre-assessment & Fee 1 day evaluation £630 Site Assessment & Fee 1 day assessment fee £630 Verification and Certification & Fee Per certification project £1250 Annual Scheme Fee Annual Surveillance Visit £630 + Travel etc Annual Listing Fee £350 TOTALS = £4-6K (approx) per company assuming easy ride

10 BES Summary Demonstrated to be achievable with some effort following a prescriptive standard Certification scheme already in place with this standard Off-the-shelf verification process with scoring system directly accredited to the Code for Sustainable Homes Excellent/Very Good = 3 points per element Good = 2.5 points per element Pass = 2 points per element Certified EMS only = 1 point per element Short term – achievable but real credibility of scheme in terms of making a difference is questionable (Jason’s view!)

11 BS 8902 Methodology Developed by BSI as an alternative means to demonstrate responsible sourcing compliance to BES 6001 According to P Jervis produced in shortest possible time! Main difference, BS 8902 is not a responsible sourcing standard rather it is the standard (framework) for the development of sector certification schemes for responsible sourcing of construction products (confusing!) It cannot in itself be used to examine the responsible sourcing claims of material or product manufacturers It is the scheme that conforms to this standard and not a company or product BS8902 sets out criteria for the development, operation and management, and future improvements of sector standards

12 BS8902 Overview Market: (procurers, specifiers
Contractors, etc) influences the Sector certification scheme Accreditation Body (internationally recognised: UKAS or equivalent can accredit certification schemes against BS 8902, and certification bodies in implementing sector scheme schedule Sector scheme Council Develops and runs scheme in Conformity with BS8902 in Consultation with its Stakeholders and oversees certification Certification Body Run in compliance with BS EN to certify applicant organisations’ products against the schedule Organisation supplying Construction Products: Applies to scheme for certification of its products as being responsibly sourced. E.g. primary product suppliers, material suppliers, product processors and finished product suppliers Solid line = relationships that have to exist to conform to this standard Dotted line = relationships that are desirable in implementing this standard

13 BS8902 Key Developments Sector ‘Scheme Council’
Certification Procedures Stakeholder Identification Stakeholder Engagement Sector Scheme Policy Responsible sourcing issues including objectives and targets

14 Scheme Council Requires balanced representation both within and external to the sector supply chain Stakeholders selected including special interest groups and government agencies Identify the management for responsibility of: Performance and testing Formulation of policy matters Supervision of finances Delegation of authority Ensure transparency Disciplinary matters including Disputes, complaints, appeals etc

15 Scheme Policy + Responsible Sourcing Issues
Draft and approve a policy describing its commitments to the principles of sustainable development and to promote those principles in scheme activities Establish responsible sourcing issues, objectives and targets Council will consider each of the issues listed (on next slide) and identify relevance of each to the sector under consideration Set objectives and challenging but deliverable targets for each relevant issue agreed in consultation with industry

16 Sustainability Issues Identified within Standard
Sector Scheme Council – responsibility to consider each of the above and Identify relevance of each to the sector under consideration

17 Responsible Sourcing Scheme Schedules
General Set up scheme through stakeholder engagement Procedural Control Mechanisms Ensuring mechanisms in place for tracking/managing certified products Chain of Custody Mapping study is undertaken from RMS Point of Sale Declarations and Product Marking To allow for differentiation for certified goods in marketplace Documentation and Records Logging sources of data and setting time periods for retention of documents Auditing Organisational Maturity Benchmarked against a maturity matrix Scheme Development Continuous Improvement Scheme Maturity Improvement Certification Reporting and Conformity Declaration

18 BS Summary Rather logical procedure requiring leadership and influence Far more challenging than BES potentially with greater rewards PVC industry better positioned than most with various Charters/ Codes of Practice and Voluntary Commitments already in place Significant amount of work to be undertaken Process will require up-front investment Much longer lead times to achieve success (at least 2 years)

19 Key Conclusions BES 6001 BS 8902 Far easier route to market
Carries least risk Probably achievable in less than 1 year BS 8902 likely to achieve greater long-term success Greater risk of failure Opportunity to set up something bespoke to our industry Costs unknown and far more difficult to predict Overall Conclusions The main driver for responsible sourcing is not likely to be determined by credits gained from the Code for Sustainable Homes PVC industry is uniquely positioned to develop our own scheme BUT this will require a lot of hard work and commitment Easiest route is through BES 6001 For the long-term the scheme that is likely to be the most credible is via BS 8902

20 Acknowledgments I would like to thank the following personnel for their help in preparing this presentation: Paul Jervis – initial evaluation and interpretation Chris Hunt, Development Project Manager BBA Derek Hughes, Responsible Sourcing Manager, BRE

21 Discussion

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