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EQ: How do we describe and summarize random events?

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1 EQ: How do we describe and summarize random events?
Random Variables EQ: How do we describe and summarize random events?

2 Random Variable Definition: A variable whose value is based on the outcome of a random event. Discrete: we can list all of the outcomes Ex: Flipping a coin, making a basketball shot Continuous: all of the outcomes can take a value within a certain interval. Ex: Height of men, arrival times, any normally distributed variable

3 Discrete RV Grade Distribution
Students in Stat 101 had the following grade distribution: 21% A’s, 43% B’s, 30% C’s, 5% D’s, and 1% F’s. Define the random variable: X = the grade of a randomly selected student on a 4 point scale X = Grade 4 3 2 1 P(X)

4 Using the distribution
X = Grade 4 3 2 1 P(X) What is the probability of a student receiving an F? P(X=0) = .01 What is the probability of a student receiving an F or D? P(X=0 or X=1) = = .06 What is the probability of a student receiving a grade higher than a C? P(X > 2 ) = = .64 P (X > 3) = = .64

5 Flipping a Coin Random Variable: Probability distribution:
Y = the number of heads after tossing a coin 4 times. Probability distribution: Sample Space: {0,1,2,3,4} Y 1 2 3 4 P(Y)

6 Finding P(Y) Identify the number of ways each event can happen:
Total number of ways: 2(2)(2)(2) = 16 Split the 16 ways up among the events Y = 0: Y = 1: Y = 2: Y = 3: Y = 4: TTTT HTTT, THTT, TTHT, TTTH HHTT, TTHH,THTH,HTHT,HTTH,THHT HHHT, HHTH,HTHH,THHH HHHH

7 Probability of each event
TTTT THTH THHH HHTT (.5)(.5)(.5)(.5) = Every outcome has the same probability! (.5)(.5)(.5)(.5) = (.5)(.5)(.5)(.5) = (.5)(.5)(.5)(.5) =

8 Distribution of Y The sum of P(Y) = 1, if not then you did it wrong! Y
1 2 3 4 P(Y) 1(.0625) 4(.0625) 6(.0625) 4(.0625) 1(.0625) Y 1 2 3 4 P(Y) .0625 .25 .375 .25 .0625 The sum of P(Y) = 1, if not then you did it wrong!

9 Answer Questions Probability of tossing at least two heads:
1 2 3 4 P(Y) .0625 .25 .375 .25 .0625 Probability of tossing at least two heads: P (Y > 2 ) = = .6875 Probability of at least one head: P (Y > 1) = 1 – P (Y < 1) = 1 – P (Y = 0) = = .9375

10 Example: Suppose each of four randomly selected customers purchasing a monkey shaving kit at a certain store chooses either an electric (E) or a gas (G) model. Assume that these customers make their choices independently of one another and that, according to Consumer Reports, 40% of all customers select an electric model while 60% tend to choose the gas model. Find the probability that at least two of the four customers will choose the electric model. Be sure to define your random variable, provide a probability distribution.

11 Define the Random Variable X = the number of people out of 4 who choose the electric model Identify the sample space {0,1,2,3,4} Find the outcomes for each event Use E for electric and G for gas Find the probabilities for each outcome and then the total probability of the event

12 Making the distribution
0 = GGGG 1 = EGGG, GEGG, GGEG, GGGE 2 = EEGG, GGEE, GEGE, EGEG, EGGE, GEEG 3 = EEEG, EEGE, EGEE, GEEE 4 = EEEE P(0) = GGGG = (.6)(.6)(.6)(.6) = .1296 P(1) = (.4)(.6)(.6)(.6) + (.6)(.4)(.6)(.6) + (.6)(.6)(.4)(.6)+ (.6)(.6)(.6)(.4) = .3456 P(2) = 6(.4)(.4)(.6)(.6) = .3456 P(3) = 4(.4)(.4)(.4)(.6) = .1536 P(4) = (.4)(.4)(.4)(.4) = .0256

13 Distribution X 1 2 3 4 P(X) .1296 .3456 .1536 .0256 Find the probability that at least two of the four customers will choose the electric model. Be sure to define your random variable, provide a probability distribution. P(X > 2) = = .5248

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