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What is the purpose of education according to functionalists?

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1 What is the purpose of education according to functionalists?
Saturday, 06 April 2019 Lesson 1: TOPIC:6 What is the functionalist perspective, what do they feel the purpose of education is? How does education create social solidarity and role allocation? Evaluation- does the education system really act in the way functionalist suggest? Meritocracy, social solidarity, role allocation, particularistic values, shared values

2 Functions of Education
Develops independence Socialisation Functions of Education Teaches norms and values Co-operation Develops routines Qualifications

3 Sociological schools thought /perspectives
Functionalism Functionalism sees society as like the human body, each institutions in society e.g. family, religion, education is like an organ, they all have their own specific functions and roles but work together to keep society functioning at it’s best. This is known as the organic analogy However functionalism is often accused of viewing society with rose tinted glasses, this means that it often ignores the negatives in society If functionalism had a theme tune it would be:

4 Sociological schools thought /perspectives
Marxism Marxism argues that society is based on conflict between those in charge, who are the ruling class (AKA: bourgeoisie-the upper and middle class members of society) and the working class (proletariat) . For Marxists the education system serves to benefit the needs of the ruling class by keeping them in a dominant position maintaining their social advantage and tricking the working class into thinking that the system is fair. However Marxism is often criticised for being too deterministic, some working class students succeed anyway- Marxism has no explanation for this, and for ignoring other causes of social inequality e.g. gender and ethnicity If Marxism had a theme tune it would be:

5 Functionalism vs Marxism
Functionalism and Marxism oppose each other but they have some shared concepts in education for example the hidden curriculum the difference is their belief about the purpose of this

6 Purpose of Education - Functionalism
Three main purposes of education Functionalists identify: 1) Education teaches the skills needed for work and also by the economy. 2)The role allocation Function 3) Secondary Socialisation – Passing on Core Values and keeping society united.

7 Attaching the right theorists to the right concepts
Task: Colour in the boxes of texts matching it to either Durkheim, Parsons or Davis and Moore or all 3. Use your text books to help you do this Time: 10 Minutes

8 Durkheim Education transmits of society’s norms and values
History teaching creates a link between the individual and society. History teaching creating the link between the individual and society leads to social solidarity.

9 Are there any weaknesses in Durkheim’s theory?
Compared school to a miniature society. Children learn to interact with others and follow set rules preparing them to become adult member of society and to accept social rules. Value Consensus Are there any weaknesses in Durkheim’s theory?

10 Weaknesses in Durkheim’s Theory
Things to consider :- How successful is Education in teaching the norms and values of society? Does everyone share the same norms and values?

11 The most talented people reach the top
Parsons Three major functions of education for Parsons are: Acts as a bridge between the family and adult roles. Passes on universal value of achievement socializing the young in the norms and values of society. Allocates appropriate roles of children as education is meritocratic. The most talented people reach the top

12 Davis and Moore Key function – role allocation
Education system sifts and sorts individuals according to their ability – meritocratic. Davis and Moore’s perspective is similar to Parsons. How far is it true to say that the education system sifts and sorts individuals into appropriate roles according to their abilities?


14 Criticisms of Functionalism
Functionalists don’t consider that there may not be a single set of values to be transmitted. If society does transmit values, it could be the values of the bourgeoisie or the elite. Assume education is Meritocratic, although evidence can show this may not be the case. Who you know is more important in some societies than what you know – Meritocratic function doesn’t work.

15 Is Meritocracy real? Remember the game we played? What got you ahead (aside from rolling sixes) Task: Read the case study carefully- does it support the functionalist idea of meritocracy or the Marxist idea that meritocracy is a myth and that society is set up to favour the ruling class?

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