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iGT UNC Consequential Changes

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Presentation on theme: "iGT UNC Consequential Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 iGT UNC Consequential Changes
What is expected by Ofgem and by when Anne Jackson

2 An overview of the Ofgem Switching Programme in relation to gas.
Xoserve’s analysis about the consequences to the current system design from Ofgem’s Switching Programme (OSP) Source: Business Requirements Document - Ofgem Switching Programme, Sustaining Change to Xoserve Systems Gemserv

3 High Level Plan – where we are!
2nd – Code drafting maintenance 1st – SCR Drafting Source: Ofgem: Switching Programme: High Level Plan October 2018 Gemserv

4 Summary of proposed existing system change activity
Source: E2E Transition Plan - Implementation Approach v1.0 Gemserv

5 Consequences to the iGT UNC of deploying the CSS design for switching
Possible areas that might require attention under existing governance: Additional data fields and their population Redefinition of current data fields Changes to existing processes that will continue post CSS implementation Data cleansing Removal of retail elements from code (e.g. switching, objections) required for implementation of the CSS (i.e. removed and placed in RECv1.0 or v2.0 and not RECv3.0) Gemserv

6 Further questions? Please contact Anne Jackson for more details

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