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Language, innateness and the brain

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1 Language, innateness and the brain
LING 200 Spring 2006 Prof. Sharon Hargus

2 Organization Innateness hypothesis Neurolinguistics Lateralization

3 Innateness hypothesis
Humans are genetically programmed for language. Humans are equipped with Universal Grammar (UG) = universal properties of language; structure or phenomena found in all languages UG severely constrains the possible form that a human language may take. The actual form of language is determined by environment/language experience.

4 Noam Chomsky ...language appears to be a true species property, unique to the human species in its essentials and a common part of our shared biological endowment, with little variation among humans apart from rather serious pathology. (p. 2) from (1988) Language and Problems of Knowledge

5 Evidence for innateness hypothesis
lg has characteristics of innate behavior no other species has a communication system like human lg brain (and vocal tract) show evidence of specialization for lg

6 Some innate human behaviors
not innate walking skating, playing football speaking or signing a language reading or writing a language

7 Some characteristics of innate behaviors
language as an innate behavior Emerges before needed. Speed of learning L1 (age 5) Not the result of a conscious decision. All needed for L1: immersion in lgc environ. Not triggered by (extraordinary) external events. ‘Poverty of stimulus’: Children exposed to motherese, adult performance

8 Results of chimp studies
Chimps are capable of learning some aspects of human language Show some spontaneity, creativity Skills comparable to 1-2 year old child But chimps lack latent capacity for human language don't get past 2-3 word stage limited syntax

9 Neurolinguistics

10 Brain hemispheres right hemisphere left hemisphere

11 Lateralization Contra-lateral control
a given hemisphere controls opposite side of body Left hemisphere controls right side of body Right hemisphere controls left side of body Other hemispheric specializations:

12 Right hemisphere specialties
Holistic, spatial processing pattern-matching (e.g. recognizing faces) spatial relations emotional reactions music (processing by musically naive individuals)

13 Left hemisphere specialties
Sequential processing rhythm temporal relations analytical thinking music (as processed by musically sophisticated individuals) mathematics intellectual reasoning language, speech sounds especially so for adult, male, right-handed, literate, monolingual subjects

14 Language processing as a left hemisphere task
Aphasia Dichotic listening experiments Split-brain patients

15 Aphasia Brain injury locations resulting in speech deficits are almost always in left hemisphere more on some of these locations below

16 Dichotic listening experiments
I.e. stimuli presented to different ears linguistic sounds: right ear (left brain) advantage environmental sounds: left ear (right brain) advantage advantage = correctly identified more often, identified more quickly, etc.

17 Tone in dichotic listening experiments
Tonal contrasts in Thai [ná:] ‘aunt’ (high) [nâ:] ‘face’ (falling) [nā:] ‘field’ (mid) [na:] ‘thick’ (rising) [nà:] (nickname) (low) Thai speakers process tone with left hemisphere English speakers presented with tonal contrasts process tone with right hemisphere

18 Split-brain patients Severe cases of epilepsy treated by severing corpus callosum corpus callosum (connects hemispheres)

19 Split-brain patients Task of naming object held in left hand (right brain) left eye open (right brain), right eye covered much harder than right eye open (left brain), left eye covered

20 Effects on lateralization
Lesser left hemisphere specialization for language if: left-handed female illiterate multilingual

21 Lateralization and handedness
General population 90% predominantly right-handed 10% strongly left-handed or ambidextrous Lateralization in right-handed individuals 90% left hemisphere specialization for language 10% right hemisphere specialization 75% of general population strongly right-handed

22 Lateralization and handedness
Lateralization in left-handed individuals most (65-70%) have left hemisphere specialization for language, like right-handed a larger percentage (30-35%) have right hemisphere specialization or apparently bilateral Aphasia in left handed individuals 8x more likely to get aphasia if right hemisphere is damaged than right handed individual

23 Lateralization and gender
In women, language may be bilateral more often if left hemisphere damage, milder aphasia or less likely to result in aphasia dichotic listening tests don't show right ear advantage as often as for men

24 Lateralization and literacy
Language more symmetrically located in illiterate speakers Aphasia just as likely with right-hemisphere injury

25 Lateralization and multilingualism
More right hemisphere language dominance than in monolinguals If right hemisphere damage, multilingual individuals 5x more likely to develop aphasia than monolinguals Recovery from aphasia 50% recover both languages to same extent 25% do not regain 1 or more languages

26 An aphasic French-Arabic bilingual
French-Arabic bilingual nun in Morocco became severely aphasic after moped accident initially lost speech altogether 4 days after accident, could speak a few words of Arabic, no French 14 days after accident, could speak French fluently 15 days after accident, could speak only Arabic fluently

27 Lateralization and modality
Sign languages use visual-spatial mode of transmission How is lateralization for language affected by modality? Results of a study of aphasia and other problems in 6 ASL signers 3 left brain damage, 3 right brain damage No effect of language modality on lateralization for language; left hemisphere specialization for language even for signed languages

28 If left hemisphere was damaged
Sign language aphasia resulted GD: ‘halting and effortful signing,’ reduced to single sign utterances KL: ‘selection errors’ in formation of ASL signs, ‘sign comprehension loss’ PD: fluent signing but impairment in sentence structure

29 If right hemisphere was damaged
Non-aphasic problems resulted Right-hemisphere damaged signer avoided left side of signing space describing furniture in a room: ‘furniture piled in helter-skelter fashion on the right, and the entire left side of signing space left bare...’ but used left side of signing space better when such uses were linguistically required

30 Localization for language
I.e. localization within hemisphere Hypothesis: specific parts of brain control specific parts of body or bodily functions, including language

31 Some language centers (left hemisphere)
Broca’s Wernicke’s Arcuate fasciculus

32 Broca’s area Lesions to Broca’s area result in Broca's aphasia (a.k.a. expressive aphasia, motor aphasia) Characteristics of Broca’s aphasia basic message of meaning clear, but speech is not fluent phrases are telegraphic (absence of function words) incorrect production of sounds Cinderella, as told by a Broca’s aphasic ‘dopted her...scrubbed floor, um, tidy...poor, um...’ and mother...ball. Ball, prince um...shoe.

33 Wernicke’s area Lesions to Wernicke’s area result in Wernicke’s aphasia Characteristics of Wernicke’s aphasia speech is fluent, but often nonsensical or circuitous Description of a knife by a Wernicke’s aphasic ‘That’s a resh. Sometimes I get one around here that I can cut a couple regs. There’s no rugs around here and nothing cut right. But that’s a rug and I had some nice rekebz. I wish I had one now. Say how Wishi idaw, uh windy, look how windy. It’s really window isn’t it?’

34 Arcuate fasciculus Subcortex nerve fibers connecting Broca’s, Wernicke’s areas Lesions at this area result in: Conductive/conduction aphasia Characteristics usually good comprehension, fluent speech but difficulty repeating difficulty reading out loud difficulty writing

35 Angular gyrus Lesions at angular gyrus Anomia Reading difficulties
difficulty finding words, especially names Reading difficulties

36 Other evidence for localization
Electrical stimulation of brain Normal reaction: numbness, twitching, movement of contralateral body part Electrical stimulation at ‘language centers’ Results in difficulty talking some kind of vocalization

37 Further complexities in localization
Factors: spoken vs. written language, parts of speech Johns Hopkins study of 2 female aphasics both found it easy to read, speak and write nouns one could speak verbs but not write them one could write verbs but not speak them

38 More than language centers in the brain
Broca's aphasics damage to Broca’s area results in language deficits motor control problems problems with cognitive and perceptual tasks Alzheimer’s disease non-localized neurological problems result in language deficits (among other problems) i.e. ‘lg centers’ control more than lg i.e. damage to parts other than lg centers can have consequences for lg

39 Neurolinguistics summary
Hemispheres of brain have different specialties, including language (most clearly for right-handed (etc.) individuals) Lateralization is not affected by language modality Language centers within the brain: Broca's, Wernicke's areas especially important Neurolinguistics provides evidence for human specialization for language

40 Next time Announcements

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