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Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens

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1 Duties and Responsibilities of Citizens

2 Three things you are guarenteed from government.
Security Protection from unfair and unreasonable actions of government due process clause Ex: search and seizure, arrests, right to remain silent


4 Equality Everyone is entitled to equal protection of the laws Everyone has the right to be treated the same regardless of race, religion, or politics Protected by the 14 Amendment

5 Francis Wright said…

6 Liberty The fundamental freedoms Freedom to express through speech, press, religion, assembly, petition Right to own property, trial by jury, end of slavery, voting rights

7 We must do our part to ensure our liberties.

8 Our type of government depends of Active Participation

9 Equal Protection 14th amendment used several time like for Americans With Disabilities Act If a person felt that their rights had been violated by a state or local law, the result would go to federal court

10 Duties of the American Citizen
Duties are the “must” of citizenship One is required by law to perform these actions The success of our system of government depends upon all citizens fulfilling these duties

11 Duties of American Citizens
Obeying the Law Attending School Paying Taxes Serving in the Armed Forces (Selective Service- draft) Appearing in Court

12 Why obey laws? Help people get along, prevent accidents, see that resources are used fairly.

13 Why pay taxes? Used to pay police, pave roads, maintain military, etc…

14 Why defend the nation? All men age must register in case the country needs to call up people for service. Vietnam was the last draft

15 Why go to school? Teaches us how to think through problems, form opinions, and express thoughts clearly. Produces a productive society that makes the country better.

16 Why serve in court if called?
Every citizen should be prepared to serve on Jury Duty or as a witness if called to do so.

17 Responsibilities of the Citizen
Responsibilities are the “should” of citizenship Not required by law Obligations you should fulfill voluntarily

18 Responsibilities Voting Being Informed Taking part in government
Helping your community Respecting and protecting the rights of others Respecting Diversity

19 Be informed. Know your rights
Know what’s going on about issues affecting the country and our leaders

20 Speak up and vote Voting is the main way to influence the government.
Can also call, write, representative Work for a cause Join a political party Run for office!

21 Respect others’ rights
Respect public property and property of others. Vandalism and littering are disrespectful and also crimes

22 Respect diversity Respect the opinion of others even if you disagree.
Be tolerant of other cultures, languages, religions, political views

23 Contribute to the common good
Contribute time, effort and money to improve the country and people’s lives To keep our freedoms we must actively participate in our country.

24 Who said this? “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

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