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Review for Test 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for Test 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for Test 2

2 Contrast and compare phonetics and phonology
What are the goals of phonology Phoneme/phone/allophone/grapheme definitions Phonemic hypothesis

3 Broad vs. narrow transcription
Phonetic vs. phonemic/phonological transcription

4 What does study with illiterate fishermen show?
What does study with literate Chinese speakers who know pinyin or not show? How did they do these studies?

5 Pronunciation changes when a word appears in a sentence
Give an example Pronunciation changes when a morpheme is added to a word Give and example

6 Complementary distribution Contrastive distribution Free variation
What does it show? Contrastive distribution Free variation Overlapping distribution What does is show?

7 Minimal pair definition What are the parts of the syllable?
What does it show? What are the parts of the syllable?

8 Sonorants vs. obstruents
VOT-voice onset time

9 English stops differ in two ways
Which is more important for English speakers? Word final stops as in “fad, fat” are distinguishable in two ways. Which is more important

10 What is the distribution of aspirated and unaspirated stops in English?
Be able to do and interpret data from a Y diagram

11 Contrast and give examples of coronal, labial, and dorsal consonants
Define and apply the features [voice, continuant, sonorant, lateral, nasal, labial, coronal, dorsal] to phones

12 Be able to understand the CV representation of assimilation of voicing, nasalization, place of articulation, etc. Be able to analyze a data set and determine phonemes and distribution

13 Define homorganic When a phone is in both contrastive and complementary distribution with another phone what does this signal?

14 What is an archiphoneme?
When is it used? What are the secondary articulations? What do they entail

15 How can the degree of closure be measured between Spanish stops and approximants
What contexts influence degree of closure in Spanish and how?

16 Do they exist in English? Are they contrastive in English?
Define ejective, creaky voice, aspiration, breathy voice, phone length, implosives Do they exist in English? Give examples Are they contrastive in English?

17 Contrast and exemplify false and true geminates
Give examples

18 What kinds of processes are lenition? What is fortition?
Give examples What is fortition?

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