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Lesson Planning (1) Cate Clegg (A.E.T. Wk7).

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Planning (1) Cate Clegg (A.E.T. Wk7)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Planning (1) Cate Clegg (A.E.T. Wk7)

2 Aims For learners to gain an understanding of:
The structure of a lesson The process of developing and delivering a lesson using this structure

3 Learning Outcomes List the initial considerations when planning a lesson Explain the differences between aims and learning outcomes Plan a lesson using the 3-part structure

4 Requirements for a successful lesson
Preparation and planning Structure Rapport with your learners Ask learners what they think makes up a successful lesson and discuss Will be going through preparation & planning and structure in more detail during session Rapport – need to build/create rapport from the start (meet & greet) Use names Make eye contact Use personal experience & expertise Never talk down to your learners You are there to facilitate learning

5 Initial Considerations
Location Facilities available Make-up of group: background, individual needs, size Entry behaviour – knowledge/experience Terminal behaviour – depth of knowledge or mastery of skills Ask learners what they would take into consideration Black screen & write up answers on whiteboard/flip Run through slides after boardblast and compare Location – where, how set up? Environment – heat, noise, disruption, H&S, access, maps for joining instructions Facilities – equipment – available/working? What do you need to provide? Group make up – size, background, any information you can find out beforehand about experiences, individual needs? Entry behaviour – what is their experience/quals? What development do they need? Terminal behaviour – what do they need to know/do – performance shortfall (will determine lesson content)

6 Initial Considerations
Aims & Learning Outcomes Teaching & learning methods Assessment methods Budget & resources Aims & Learning Outcomes – determine FIRST Teaching & learning methods – presentations, demonstrations, instruction, discussion, facilitations, case-study, group-work, role play, practicals etc Assessment methods – what are you assessing and how will you be doing this Budget & Resources – what’s available? What do you need? How are you going to create a ‘Learning State’?

7 Aim A broad statement of intent indicating the overall purpose or goal of the lesson Where we’re going Only 1 or 2 aims per session – what are you going to provide for your learners? Aims may already be agreed by someone else

8 Learning Outcomes A specific set of well defined activities
that a learner needs to achieve What the learner should be able to do at the end of the learning experience How we’ll get there Learning Outcomes or Objectives Desired outcomes should be OBSERVABLE Learning outcomes should be linked to the AIMS Use ACTION VERBS and link to domains of learning

9 Learning Domains Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
Introduce domains – head, hands, heart (to help remember)

10 Planning a lesson Aims and Learning Outcomes
Devise lesson content and separate into manageable ‘chunks’ (Key areas) Put key areas into logical sequence Decide on best learning method for each key area Decide upon suitable learning resources Aims and Learning Outcomes – should be FIRST Logical sequence – simple to complex; known to unknown Learning methods – taking into account inclusive learning, learning styles, etc Learning resources – refer back to Resources session (what might they consider?)

11 Planning a lesson Build in activities for assessing learning
Build in reviews at suitable intervals Consider how lesson will be evaluated Prepare notes, teaching materials and lesson plan Activities to assess learning – how do you know ‘transfer of learning’ has taken place? (Knowledge checks (written/oral), games/quizzes, practicals, case studies/scenarios, etc Reviews – check learning throughout (e.g. through questions/feedback) Lesson evaluation – how will you know aims and learning outcomes have been met

12 Making a cup of tea Aim For the learner to gain knowledge and
understanding of the correct procedure for making a cup of tea safely Check which domain?

13 Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to: Identify various types of tea Correctly state the procedure for boiling water Correctly state the sequence of actions for making a cup of tea Correctly identify the health and safety issues involved

14 Boardblast Types of tea Where from Tea leaves Milk and sugar
Milk in first Utensils Tea bags Safety Allow to stand Milk jug Sugar bowl Cup Saucer Mug Boiling water Ways of boiling water Sequence Why drink tea? Effects Tea pot Warm Tea cosy Board/padblast and link areas

15 Prioritise M Boiling water M Types of tea Where from Tea bags
Ways of boiling water S Safety M Tea leaves Sequence M Milk and sugar S Allow to stand S Why drink tea? C Milk in first C Effects C What MUST you cover (link to Objectives) – essential to learning What SHOULD you cover – enhance learning What COULD you cover (extras) – nice to haves Cup Tea pot C Sugar bowl Saucer Utensils Tea cosy Warm Milk jug S Mug

16 Key Areas M Boiling water M Types of tea Where from Tea bags
Ways of boiling water S Safety M Tea leaves Sequence M Milk and sugar S Allow to stand S Why drink tea? C Milk in first C Effects C BLUE = background RED = preparation GREEN = procedure BLACK = safety GOLD = extras Cup Tea pot C Sugar bowl Saucer Utensils Tea cosy Warm Milk jug S Mug

17 Sequence Key Area Types of tea (M) Background Why drink tea? (C)
Preparation Boiling water (M) Ways of boiling water (S) Utensils (S) Sequence – Slide 1 of 2 Link to objectives: Background = Objective 1 Preparation = Objective 2 Procedure = Objective 3 Safety = Objective 4 Check any questions?

18 Sequence Procedure Safety Extras Sequence (M) Allow to stand (S)
Milk and sugar (S) Safety Safety (M) Tea pot/warm – tea cosy (C) Effects (C) Milk in first (C) Extras

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