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The United States Economic System

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1 The United States Economic System
Topic 5 The United States Economic System

2 Why can we call it a “mixed” economic system?
People & firms are mostly free, but we have government interference in economy

3 What is Everyone’s Role?

4 The Entrepreneur Organize & manage land, labor, & capital
Search for profit Bring new products to market Increase competition Lower prices

5 Entrepreneur's Key to Success
Expanding the market-advertising, international, target market Customer Service Customizing Product Adapting to new technology Efficient Production Uniqueness Reliability Affordable Good employee benefits - keeps them happy and working Specialization What characteristics of Free Enterprise do you see here? Explain how they relate.

6 The Consumer “Consumer sovereignty”: to vote with their dollars
To say what is & isn’t produced

7 The Government To protect consumer: laws
Provide goods & services: education, national defense, welfare Regulate: preserve competition Promote national goals: freedom, efficiency, growth, & stability

8 What is Free Enterprise?
Firms are free to operate for profit w/o gov’t interference beyond necessary regulation to protect public interest

9 4 Characteristics of Free Enterprise
Economic Freedom: both individuals & business take chances & risks Voluntary Exchange: freely & willingly engage in market transactions Private Property: people have the right & privilege to control possessions Profit motive: to risk savings on ventures in hopes of financial gain

10 Economic & Social Goals
1) Economic Freedom: make own decisions 2) Economic Efficiency: Not wasting the factors of production 3) Economic Equity: Equal pay for equal work; no discrimination

11 Economic & Social Goals (Continued)
4) Economic Security: protection against economic illnesses; layoffs, injury, (Social Security/Welfare/Medicare/etc.) 5) Full Employment: provide as many jobs as possible; Unemployment ONLY between 4% and 6% 6) Price Stability: gives certainty in prices; can expect inflation, protect fixed income individuals 7) Economic Growth: more $, more jobs, more goods

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