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Roots of the American Democracy

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1 Roots of the American Democracy
Unit 2 Goals: Chapter 2

2 The English Political Tradition
Documents in the English Political Tradition Charter of Liberties, 1100 Limited Government Magna Carta, 1215 Rule of Law- King John Due Process Habeas Corpus Taxation and Representation? Petition of Right, 1628 English Bill of Rights, 1689 Inalienable Rights Toleration Acts 1689 Religious Freedom Common Law Traditions Precedent vs. Statute

3 The English Political Tradition
Events in the English Tradition Battle of Runnymede 1215 King John I Magna Carta Protestant Reformation 1517 Martin Luther Henry VIII Act of Supremacy 1536 English Civil War Charles I- Regicide Oliver Cromwell The Restoration Charles II James II Glorious Revolution 1688 William and Mary

4 The English Political Tradition
Ideas in the English Tradition Enlightenment and the European Mind Order and Reason Perfection through Logic Natural Law Natural Rights Charters/ Contracts, and Compacts Magna Carta Mayflower Compacts

5 The English Political Tradition
Political Philosophers Thomas Hobbes Leviathan 1651 John Locke 2nd Treatise on Civil Government 1690 Jean Jacques Rousseau The Social Contract 1762 Three Views of the State of Nature Three Views of Human Nature Three Views of the Contract Baron De Montesquieu

6 The English Political Tradition
The Colonial Period The Age of Exploration Access to the China Trade Birth of the Commercial Revolution Need for Raw Materials Need for Capital Royal Charters Joint Stock Companies Limited Liability? Need for New Markets Types of Colonies Proprietary vs. Royal Colonies

7 The English Political Tradition
New Economies of Empire Mercantilism Amass large supplies of Gold and Silver Control Trade through Tariffs and Quotas Create ‘Captive’ Markets- Colonies When is a tariff a tax and when is a tax a duty?


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