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Michael Coucheir, Deputy Team Leader

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1 Michael Coucheir, Deputy Team Leader
MISSOC NETWORK MEETING Cracow, 26 & 27 October 2011 Reviewed guidelines for completing Table X “Unemployment” Overview of main changes Michael Coucheir, Deputy Team Leader

2 Reviewed guidelines Table X - Introduction
Revision of guidelines discussed in working groups at Budapest Network Meeting Outcome of working groups discussed within Secretariat Revised guidelines sent as supporting document Amendments will take effect from January 2012 update

3 Reviewed guidelines Table X – Main changes (1)
General remarks element of not having is also relevant (fair representation) differentiation insurance / assistance Basic principles several changes Field of application reference to voluntary insurance

4 Reviewed guidelines Table X – Main changes (2)
Total unemployment 1. Conditions main conditions some more precision (“ to be registered as … with …”, “to be available for …) condition “lack of resources” removed from enumeration qualifying period reference period means test waiting period

5 Reviewed guidelines Table X – Main changes (3)
Total unemployment (cont.) 2. Benefits determining factors earnings taken as reference and ceiling standard phrase “Not applicable. Benefits not based on earnings” introduced rates of the benefits minimum and maximum amounts family supplements “No family supplements” / “No family supplements. Family composition taken into account in ‘Rates of the benefits’’” / full description of supplements other supplements duration of benefits: some minor rephrasing

6 Reviewed guidelines Table X – Main changes (4)
Partial/temporary unemployment 1. Definition three situations part-time work, involuntarily reduced from full-time work part-time work, accepted to escape full unemployment reduction/interruption of work for (non-structural) economic, accidental, meteorological reasons not included: voluntary part-time element standard phrases 2. Conditions only those specific to partial/temporary unemployment 3. Rates of the benefits

7 Reviewed guidelines Table X – Main changes (5)
Benefits for older unemployed 1. Measure some rephrasing pre-retirement benefits: to be mentioned only in this Table early pension: to be mentioned both in Tables VI and X (ref.) 2. Conditions 3. Rates of the benefits Benefits for young unemployed specific arrangements for graduates / those not yet fulfilling regular qualifying conditions Benefits promoting labour market integration benefits in cash paid to jobseekers, e.g. training allowances

8 Reviewed guidelines Table X – Main changes (6)
Sanctions consequences of fraud consequences of failure to cooperate with employment services (new) where necessary, differentiation according to type of unemployment Indexation terminology Accumulation with other social security benefits rephrasing so as to include also information on limited accumulation (benefit reduction / partial suspension) Accumulation with earnings from work Taxation and social contributions made consistent with corresponding guidelines for other Tables

9 Some changes to structure of Table X
30 categories Applicable statutory basis Basic principles Field of application Total unemployment conditions / benefits / sanctions / accumulation with benefits / -with earnings Partial unemployment definition / conditions / sanctions / accumulation with benefits / - with earnings Benefits for older unemployed measure / conditions / rates / accumulation Adjustment Taxation and social contributions taxation of cash benefits / limit of income for tax relief or tax reduction / social security contributions from benefits 28 categories Applicable statutory basis Basic principles Field of application Total unemployment conditions / benefits Partial/temporary unemployment definition / conditions / rates Benefits for older unemployed measure / conditions / rates Benefits for young unemployed Benefits promoting labour market integration Sanctions Indexation Accumulation with other s.s.b. Accumulation with earnings f.w. Taxation and social contributions taxation of cash benefits / limit of income for tax relief or tax reduction / social security contributions from benefits

10 Thank you for your attention!

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