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A new approach for financing and promoting the Digital Transformation of Portuguese Public Administration Alexandra Vilela Managing Authority for the Competitiveness.

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Presentation on theme: "A new approach for financing and promoting the Digital Transformation of Portuguese Public Administration Alexandra Vilela Managing Authority for the Competitiveness."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new approach for financing and promoting the Digital Transformation of Portuguese Public Administration Alexandra Vilela Managing Authority for the Competitiveness and Internationalization |Operational Program (COMPETE 2020)

2 Global Estruture : Operational Programs Chart
Reduction of Red Tape Favorable business environment COMPETITIVENESS SAMA 2020 Support System for the Digital Transformation of Public Administration

3 Digital Transformation :
From E-government to Digital Government SAMA 2020 Support System for the Digital Transformation of Public Administration Source : Adapted of OECD (2014), “Recommendation of the Council on Digital Government Strategies”, OECD (

4 Operationalization of the new approach Digital Transformation
Training (ESF) 40 M€ (+ 60 M€) Modernization (ERDF) 200 M€ Capacitation (ESF) 60M€ Administrative (E- Government) Digital Transformation (Digital Government) Capacitation 190 M€ 95 M€ (ESF) - 10 M€

5 Modernisation (ERDF) Capacitation (ESF) Training (ESF)
Regulatory impact assessments (legislative simplification, procedural rationality, transparency, corruption); Public service evaluation systems (user satisfaction, service levels, quality certification); Plans to rationalize structures and services (reduction of requests for information and valuation of information already existing in public services); Transformation and or rationalization of structures and / or processes, aiming at improving their efficiency, effectiveness and quality (cost, time or value); Management, monitoring and evaluation instruments for public policies. Promotion and dissemination actions (knowledge sharing of new forms of organization and provision of public services, new models of innovation and experimentation); Vocational Training in the scope of administrative modernization and / or training; Professional training aimed at increasing efficiency in the provision of public services (management; reorganization, restructuring and organizational innovation; management, operation and use of ICT; ethics in the public service; Integration of new cadres; Vocational training related to the implementation of reforms in key areas. Dematerialisation or digital provision of services; Enlargement and / or restructuring of digital public service delivery channels; New intgrated models of decentralized service (shops and spaces of the citizen and itinerant services); Restructuring and reframing of information and communication systems (ICS); Multisectoral integration, multilevel and or between different entities; Implementation of common and / or integrated ICT solutions (connectivity between Public Administration services and dissemination of shared services); Experimentation and dissemination of the innovative use of ICT in the provision of public services.

6 Alexandra Vilela Thank You!

7 Grazie.

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