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Developing Action Plans
Trainer’s Resource Materials Module 5 Level 2 Developing Action Plans Evaluating an Individual Identification and Recruitment Action Plan National ID&R Curriculum, Module 5 Level 2 National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 1
Trainer’s Resource Materials
Module 5 Level 2 Recruiter’s Individual ID&R Action Plan Module 5 Level 2 Outline Handouts, as needed Pen or pencil Highlighters Post-its® Talking Points This module is based on the National ID&R Manual, Chapter 5: Developing Action Plans and Contacting Families. Use the Module 5 Level 2 Outline for this module. The goal and objectives are listed in the box, with space for participants to take notes. Participants will not receive a PowerPoint for the presentation, since the Outline provides the most pertinent information from the slides. When participants are asked to record responses to questions, they should refer to their Outline. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 2
Trainer’s Resource Materials
Level 2: Goal Module 5 Level 2 The participant will be able to evaluate the implementation of an individual ID&R action plan and revise as needed. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 3
Trainer’s Resource Materials
Level 2: Objectives Module 5 Level 2 Participants will be able to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of an individual action plan; identify those aspects of the plan that need to be revised or adapted to make it more effective; and recommend needed adaptations or revisions to the plan. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 4
Trainer’s Resource Materials
Level 2: Agenda Module 5 Level 2 Two Truths, Two Lies Evaluating an Individual ID&R Action Plan Evaluation Questions: Individual ID&R Action Plan Evaluating a Sample Action Plan Evaluating Your Own Individual ID&R Action Plan Assessment National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 5
Trainer’s Resource Materials
Two Truths, Two Lies Module 5 Level 2 An action plan is a written plan that an individual, or organization, develops to guide and focus efforts to reach a desired goal. The individual ID&R action plan also helps recruiters set recruitment quotas. Every action plan should have a goal. The best individual ID&R action plans have only three objectives. Trainer’s Notes Remind participants that they spent some time understanding and developing an Individual ID&R Action Plan in a previous training. To review information about the Individual ID&R Action Plan, ask participants to read the four statements in their Outline (p. 2). Tell them that two of the statements are true and two are false. Tell them to select a partner, read each statement, and highlight the two statements that are not true. Actively monitor participants. When all are done, click to display the four statements on the slide. Read all four statements to participants. Click for the first false statement (2) to be identified with an underline. Click for second false statement (4) to be identified with an underline. Talking Points Reiterate that action plans should never set recruitment quotas. They should also never have statements that may resemble recruitment quotas (i.e. “I will recruit more migratory students this year than last,” “I will increase my recruitment numbers by 20 percent”). Because individual action plans take into account district policies, recruiter responsibilities, etc., no set number of objectives make for the best action plan. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 6
Evaluating an Individual ID&R Action Plan
Trainer’s Resource Materials Evaluating an Individual ID&R Action Plan Module 5 Level 2 Once you have written your individual ID&R action plan, do you ever revisit it? Why or why not? Updating the individual ID&R action plan should be an ongoing task. Trainer’s Notes Ask participants to read the questions on the slide and respond in their Outline (p.2). Actively monitor participants and once all have responded to the questions, bring them back to the whole group. Ask participants to share their responses with their tablemates. Once enough time has been given for all participants at the table to share, ask them to share with the whole group. After whole-group discussion, click to show one final thought on the slide. Tell participants they will leave today’s session with the tools to effectively evaluate their individual action plans. Discussion Points Because individual ID&R action plans are timelines for the year, recruiters should be aware of what activity is coming up next. It is a document that is rewritten and adjusted every year as responsibilities are added or removed. Recruiters should feel comfortable adding comments to their action plan as the year progresses. The action plan can serve as an evaluation of the recruiter’s work, the effectiveness of the strategies used to recruit families, and whether timelines were realistic. The recruiter can celebrate accomplishments. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 7
Evaluation Questions: Individual ID&R Action Plan
Trainer’s Resource Materials Module 5 Level 2 Evaluation Questions: Individual ID&R Action Plan Is the objective still valid? Have circumstances changed that would necessitate the need for the objective to be modified or deleted? Is the appropriate staff responsible for this objective? Is this the appropriate activity for the objective? Are there other activities that may support this objective? Does the objective have a realistic deadline? Is the evidence of success valid? Materials Action Plan Evaluation Questions, p. 3 in Trainer’s Resource Materials Create poster-size versions of the questions and post them around the room. Fold posters in half, taping the bottom half of the poster to the top half, so participants cannot see questions. Trainer’s Notes Tell participants that they should keep the following questions in mind when evaluating the effectiveness of their individual action plans. Click to show each question. Read each question as it appears on the slide. After all five questions on the slides have been reviewed, direct participants to their Outline (p.3). Tell participants they will reference these five questions during the rest of the session. Remove the tape fastened to the lower half of the poster to allow it to open full-size so participants can reference questions. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 8
Evaluating a Sample Action Plan
Trainer’s Resource Materials Evaluating a Sample Action Plan Module 5 Level 2 Objective Staff Responsible Activity Timeline Evidence of Success Learn the basic child eligibility requirements. Recruiters Parent Liaisons Attend annual ID&R training. September–October Certificates Will know the eligibility factors by October Trainer’s Notes Tell participants that they will be evaluating action plan objectives one at a time on the next several slides. The columns correspond to the questions: Column 2, Question 2; Column 3, Question 3, etc. Direct participants to the sample action plan that is in their Outline (p. 3) and ask them to reference the evaluation questions posted in the room. Read the objectives aloud then read evaluation question 1. Ask participants if they agree that this would be a valid objective. Click to see the check appear and direct participants to check accordingly in the appropriate columns on their Outline. Continue in the format above. Read the entry in each column and the corresponding question for each column on this slide and the next three slides. Allow for discussion and clarification as necessary. Talking Point Remind participants that the objectives should always support the goal. The goal of this sample action plan is written in their Outline (p. 3). National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 10
Evaluating a Sample Action Plan
Trainer’s Resource Materials Evaluating a Sample Action Plan Module 5 Level 2 Objective Staff Responsible Activity Timeline Evidence of Success Develop a recruitment network and list of contacts. Recruiters Community Liaison Identify local organizations/ individuals who work closely with the migrant community and create opportunities to collaborate. December Contact list Year-round Phone log/ s documenting ongoing contact. Trainer’s Notes This slide should follow the same procedure as the previous slide. Remember to read the information in the column, read the corresponding question, and then click to allow participants to see a checkmark or an “x.” Notice that Column 4 has an x. Click to have a clarifying point display in the column, and ask participants to scratch out December and add year-round to their Outline. Click to have a clarifying point display in the column, and ask participants to add it to their Outline. Discussion Points Timeline – Participants should recognize that developing a recruitment network is an ongoing activity. Making attempts one month out of the year to build that network is not productive. Timeline continued – Setting a specific day each month to check the progress of developing the recruitment network can help to keep this task at the forefront. Evidence of success – While a contact list is good evidence of a growing recruitment network, other evidence of success for this objective can include phone logs/recruitment logs. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 11
Evaluating Your Individual ID&R Action Plan
Trainer’s Resource Materials Evaluating Your Individual ID&R Action Plan Module 5 Level 2 Select a critical friend—someone not at your table. Decide who will be person A and who will be person B. Person A: read your plan aloud first—one objective at a time. Person B: read evaluation questions aloud for each objective. Person A: record notes and adjustments to action plan based on question/discussion with critical friend. Switch roles and repeat process. Materials Recruiter’s individual ID&R action plan Trainer’s Notes Tell participants they are now ready to evaluate the effectiveness of their own individual ID&R action plans that they brought with them. Read the directions from the slide. Actively monitor to check for understanding and answer any questions participants may have. Once both partners are done, click to the next slide for the debrief. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 12
Evaluating Your Individual ID&R Action Plan
Trainer’s Resource Materials Evaluating Your Individual ID&R Action Plan Module 5 Level 2 Did you make any adjustments to your individual action plan based on feedback from your partner? Trainer’s Notes Ask participants to read the question on the slide and share their thoughts. Remind participants that an ongoing evaluation of their individual plans is essential to their growth as recruiters and keeps their programs from becoming stagnant. Refer participants to the National ID&R Manual, Chapter 5: Developing Action Plans and Contacting Families as a resource for evaluating the implementation of their action plans. Sample questions have been provided, but participants are encouraged to develop their own evaluation questions to improve their action plans. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 13
Trainer’s Resource Materials
Level 2: Assessment Module 5 Level 2 Please complete the assessment independently. When all participants are done, discuss answers with a partner; revise answers if needed. We will review as a whole group and you will grade your own. Trainer’s Notes Remind participants that the assessment is an indication of how well the content of the training was delivered, not an indication of how well they can recruit. All resources given during the training may be used during the assessment. National ID&R Curriculum, Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, V 3.0 14
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