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Ken Robson, PMP Region 10 Component Mentor

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Presentation on theme: "Ken Robson, PMP Region 10 Component Mentor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ken Robson, PMP Region 10 Component Mentor
Succession Planning Ken Robson, PMP Region 10 Component Mentor Bringing in new blood to the Component All volunteers get tired and need to be replaced or rested So succession planning is a good way of making sure that you don’t burn out the leaders that you have now

2 Succession Planning Session objectives How
To work together to develop a template that you can use in your components or enhance existing templates that you might have How Interactive discussion and group breakouts Not here to tell you that what you are doing or not doing is wrong Want to give you ideas that you can use to build from or to use to enhance existing systems Want to arrive at a template that you can use. One request – if you come up with ideas please share them with us all so that we can all learn. All volunteers get tired and need to be replaced or rested So succession planning is a good way of making sure that you don’t burn out the leaders that you have now

3 Succession Planning Why bother with succession planning?
It ensures continuity in the Component leadership It ensures that the Component can continue after current leaders move on It provides a career path for others in the Component Anything else? . Discussion Ask the audience

4 Succession Planning What is succession planning?
It is about planning the necessary steps that are required when a leader in your Component leaves or is unable to carry out the duties of the position Ask the audience – list their ideas on a whiteboard then see if they match the slide

5 Succession Planning Why did you become a leader? Prestige? Power?
Next step in your career path within your Component? Give something back Personal Growth Promote PMI Anything else? Breakout session By understanding why you became a leader you will more easily be able to develop a scuccession plan. Discussion Ask the audience – put them in groups and give them 10 minutes

6 Succession Planning What made you become a leader?
Natural progression in your career? You were approached by a leader to do the job? Nobody else would volunteer? What? Breakout session By understanding what made you become a leader you will be more able to develop a succession plan. Get audience into groups and for them to list out what made them become a leader

7 Succession Planning Objectives of succession plan
Identify which Component positions are critical Identify which Component positions are vacant next Identify potential Component members who could fill the position Ensure that Component & PMI vision will be carried on Provide backup to the role Critical positions are those that must be elected to office ie president, treasurer secretary Non critical are board selected

8 Succession Planning Elements of a good succession plan
Should be documented Goes out to the future – 2 –3 years Provides a road map for Component leaders Shows position in the hierarchy Is supported by past leaders Should not be thrown together on your way out Should be reviewed regularly for relevance Breakout session Discussion Ask audience – group sessions – 10 minutes and share

9 Succession Planning First element – most important
Is the Job Description accurate? How many of us have found the job to be different to that described to us? A good job description avoids conflict later as the incumbent knows what they signed up for.

10 Succession Planning First element – most important
What is in the Role description What does the role involve? What time is required as a minimum commitment? Do they state the authority of the role? Do they state what are the requirements for the job? Do they state the responsibility of the role? Who can be called upon for assistance by the incumbent if needed? Are there any legal requirements relevant to your country? Breakout to see what else should be there.

11 Succession Planning Do you have a role description for
President? Vice president? Secretary/Admin? Treasurer/ Finance? Membership? Professional Development/Education? Events – conferences/seminars? Sponsorship? Others? If not – why not!

12 Succession Planning Second Element Election process
Should be documented and available to all Should state what the eligibility rules are Must be member of Component & PMI Past experience required Candidates should write a short bio and describe what they will bring to the position Should be reviewed regularly for relevance Usually separate nominations committee Cannot be on nominations committee and standing for election Eligibility rules Past experience

13 Succession Planning Challenges you will face when attempting to recruit and retain volunteers Fear of failure in the role Lack of clearly defined requirements or expectations of the role Lack of time available to give to the role because of family or work PMI meetings or activities are routine, no longer exciting Matching Component needs with available volunteers is difficult To retain volunteers, need to treat people so they feel valued Lack of advertising and/or a communications plan The tone of volunteers solicitation does not encourage members to participate. Lack of a strategic plan for the Component Volunteers are not always effective or successful in their roles

14 Succession Planning Things to consider What’s in it for the volunteer?
What training is required? For future leaders what is the career path? Recognition when a leader steps down Constitution and Bylaws should document rules for roles, eligibility, removal and election process .

15 Succession Planning Third element Advertise your Component positions
Having gone to all the trouble to plan for succession it is important that you let people know what they are and where they can be found. Have a “meet the leaders” night at your Component where you can let people know what the roles are and what is involved. Get past leaders to attend and confirm how they benefited from the experience .

16 Succession Planning Fourth element Available resources
PMI Component President and Chair Transition Checklist PMI Component Board Transition Checklists. PMI Past leaders Component mentor Any suggestions .

17 Succession Planning Any Questions? Thank you Ken Robson, PMP

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