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The Visual System: Feature Detection Model

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Presentation on theme: "The Visual System: Feature Detection Model"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Visual System: Feature Detection Model
Lecture 15

2 Cortical Mechanisms Primary Visual Cortex - V1
Striate or calcarine cortex Hubel and Wiesel - Nobel Prize Single cell recording Feature detection model simple stimuli  complex perceptions ~

3 Feature Detection Model
Visual perception of objects detection of simple features points, lines, corners, curves Convergence of information retina  LGN V1 Primary Visual Cortex (V1) Simple cells complex cells hypercomplex cells ~

4 Simple Cells Detect lines & edges not center-surround Best stimulus
bar of light or line particular orientation particular location ~

5 Simple Cells LGN neurons RF center-surround
converge onto simple cells (V1) Bar of light  APs in simple cell ~

6 Simple Cells LGN V1 wrong location or angle
doesn’t affect simple cell ~

7 Complex Cells In V1 & V2 (secondary visual cortex) Convergence
of LGN & simple cells responds to movement Best stimulus line or bar Fixed angular orientation Location not as important preferred direction of movement ~

8 Complex Cells S1 S2 S3 V1 V1/V2 Complex Cell

9 Hypercomplex Cells V1 & V2 Complex cells converge Hypercomplex cells
Best stimulus lines of specific length Detect Corners ~

10 Feature Detection Theory
Features = lines & corners Can it represent a curve?

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