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Student, Property, Vehicle & Liability Forms and Reporting

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Presentation on theme: "Student, Property, Vehicle & Liability Forms and Reporting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student, Property, Vehicle & Liability Forms and Reporting

2 Liability Injuries other than students or staff on premises
Purpose The purpose of this PowerPoint is to provide resources to CNM Staff that are involved in various types of incidents Student Incident Property Damage Vehicle Damage Liability Injuries other than students or staff on premises

3 Insurance Program Change
Effective July 1, 2018 CNM moved from NMPSIA to a self directed insurance program As a result all student, property, vehicle and liability incidents are now reported directly to CNM Risk Management New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority Cannon Cochran Management Services Incorporated 

4 Risk Management Office (505) 224-3449
Leland (Lee) Frische Sr. Risk Officer Office (505) Ext

5 Student, Property, Vehicle and Liability Forms
The location of the student, property, vehicle and liability incident report forms has changed All forms are now located here: O/RiskManagementOffice/SitePages/Home.asp x New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority Cannon Cochran Management Services Incorporated 

6 Specific Form Location
Student Incident: 0Student%20Incident%20Report.pdf Property: 0Property%20Damage%20Report.pdf Vehicle: 0Vehicle%20Incident%20Report.pdf Liability: 0Liability%20Incident%20Report.pdf New Mexico Public Schools Insurance Authority Cannon Cochran Management Services Incorporated 

7 Student Incident Reporting
The “Student Incident Report” is to be used for any bodily injuries or medical incidents that happen to students on premises or during college sponsored activities Examples Include: Slip/falls, Fights & Classroom Injuries

8 Student Incident Reporting Continued
Submit the report directly to Risk Management either through or interdepartmental mail

9 Property Damage Property damage can occur through other's negligence, willful destruction or by acts of nature Property damage can also occur in our daily actives

10 Property Damage Continued
If CNM property (bldg., lights, signs sidewalks, etc.) is damaged, complete the Property Damage Report form Submit the report directly to Risk Management either through or interdepartmental mail

11 Vehicle Incidents Vehicle damage or injuries can result from:
Vehicle collisions Vandalism Weather Theft

12 Vehicle Incidents Continued
If a CNM vehicle is damaged a Vehicle Incident Report form must be completed If a CNM vehicle is involved in an incident that causes damage or injuries to others, a Vehicle Incident Report form must be completed

13 Vehicle Incidents Continued
Submit the Vehicle Incident Report directly to Risk Management either through or interdepartmental mail

14 Liability Liable = obligated according to law or equity
Liability = something for which one is liable Often times individuals perceive liability that is either misplaced or inaccurate Other times we create liability

15 Liability Reporting If CNM staff is involved in an incident (excluding vehicles) which results in damage to non-CNM property complete the Liability Incident Report If CNM staff is involved in an incident (excluding vehicles) which results in injury to others complete the Liability Incident Report

16 Liability Reporting Continued
Submit the report directly to Risk Management either through or interdepartmental mail Requests for information related to injuries or damage alleging CNM liability should be forwarded to risk management immediately

17 Student, Property, Vehicle and Liability Forms
Please complete the appropriate report form as soon as possible and submit to the Risk Management Office All forms are located here: FO/RiskManagementOffice/SitePages/Home. aspx

18 Questions? Please call: The Risk Management Office (505) or Leland Frische, Sr. Risk Officer (505)

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