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Vocab Basketball!!! US History 3rd six weeks.

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1 Vocab Basketball!!! US History 3rd six weeks

2 PEGS For each word your group will discuss it and come up with a definition. The groups with the best definition will get to shoot a basket for bonus points. For each word we define place it in one of the following categories…. Political (Government, Rights of Citizens) Economic (Money, Profit) Geographical (Land) Social (People, Culture, Education)

3 Depression (not the sad kind)
A period of drastic decline in the national economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.

4 Deficit Spending Policy of spending more money than the government receives in revenue. US dept clock

5 Social Security Economic policy that provides insurance for elderly (65+) Gives unemployment compensation Aid to families with disabled children

6 Regulation When the government oversees private business to insure they follow the law.

7 Federal Reserve Bank There are 12 Federal Reserve banks in the US.
These banks loan the US government money and regulate all the smaller banks in the US. Created in 1913 to stabilize the banking system, got even more power after the 1929 crash.

8 Labor Unions Organizations formed by workers so they can negotiate better pay and contracts

9 Social Classes Groups of people defined and categorized by their wealth and social status, they will often argue about political issues Low, Middle, Upper Class

10 Stock A share of a company that a private individual can purchase. (Federal Securities Act: companies must supply accurate information on all stock offerings)

11 WPA, Works Progress Administration
Government organization created by the New Deal that tries to create as many jobs as possible.

12 Urban Sprawl Growth of cities, causing them to spread in every direction.

13 Gold standard Is the former US monetary system in which the standard currency is based on a fixed quantity of gold.

14 Class struggle Arguments/disagreements between social classes, usually involves the rich intentionally keeping the poor in a low class Lower class can not move up to middle class

15 Appeasement To appease someone, to give into their demands. The Allied powers gave into Hitler's demands, allowing him to become stronger.

16 Fascism (type of government)
A governmental system led by a dictator. Hostile to different forms of government. fascist movements shared common features, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on nationalism and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism as a good way to achieve power

17 Censorship the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by a government. Fascist governments practice extreme censorship.

18 Non-aggression pack is a national treaty between two or more countries agreeing to avoid war or armed conflict between them and resolve their disputes through peaceful negotiations. Russia and Germany had one at the beginning of WWII.

19 Rationing The controlled distribution of scarce resources, goods, or services. Governments often ration food during war time.

20 Dictator a person exercising absolute power over his/her country. Makes all political, military, and economic decisions.

21 Gulag A system of brutal labor camps in Russia, if you upset Stalin you would be sent their to die.

22 The Third Reich The name of Hitler’s empire in Germany where Germans planned to dominate Europe for a thousand years.

23 Gestapo Hitler's secret police that captured and murdered people at his command.

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