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Do now activity #5 How many strands are there in DNA?

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Presentation on theme: "Do now activity #5 How many strands are there in DNA?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now activity #5 How many strands are there in DNA?
What are the 4 bases found in DNA? How many strands are there in RNA? What are the 4 bases found in RNA?

2 Chapter 2-3: DNA Replication
Essential Question Explain why base pairing is different in DNA compared to RNA. Learning Targets Explain how the structure of DNA determines the structure of proteins. Develop a model demonstrating the creation of a protein from DNA that includes the macromolecules and organelles involved Chapter 2-3: DNA Replication

3 announcements Biology Tutoring this week Lunch B (Tuesday & Thursday)
7:00AM (Monday – Friday) No after school Biology Tutoring this week. There are no make-ups for the Enzyme Lab

4 announcements Available Extra Credit: Tissue Box = 2 Points
Hydrogen Peroxide = 5 Points

5 Don’t forget to chunk your notes!

6 Do you see the differences in the hydrogen bonds?
Dna replication C A T G Do you see the differences in the hydrogen bonds?

7 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G C G

8 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G C G

9 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G A G
DNA nucleotides T C G A T one strand acts as template for a new one

10 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G C

11 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G G
covalent bond formed catalyzed by DNA polymerase C C C G A T one strand acts as template for a new one

12 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G G

13 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G G

14 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G G

15 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G G

16 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G G

17 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G G

18 Dna replication one strand acts as template for a new one C A T G G G

19 “semi-conservative” replication
Dna replication old strand C A T G G G A C T T C T C new strand new strand C T G A A G A G C C G A T old strand “semi-conservative” replication

20 What is the complementary base pair for Guanine?
Question #1 What is the complementary base pair for Guanine?

21 What is the complementary base pair for Guanine?
Question #1 What is the complementary base pair for Guanine?

22 What is the complementary base pair for Adenine?
Question #2 What is the complementary base pair for Adenine?

23 What is the complementary base pair for Adenine?
Question #2 What is the complementary base pair for Adenine?

24 What is the complementary base pair for Cytosine?
Question #3 What is the complementary base pair for Cytosine?

25 What is the complementary base pair for Cytosine?
Question #3 What is the complementary base pair for Cytosine?

26 What is the complementary base pair for Thymine?
Question #4 What is the complementary base pair for Thymine?

27 What is the complementary base pair for Thymine?
Question #4 What is the complementary base pair for Thymine?

28 1. ____ is unzipped by Helicase.
How DNA is copied cyclins 1. ____ is unzipped by Helicase.

29 How DNA is copied cyclins 2. ____ ____ are attached.

30 3. ½ old + ½ new = ____ replication.
How DNA is copied cyclins 3. ½ old + ½ new = ____ replication.

31 DNA is duplicated during replication
Complementary copies DNA is duplicated during replication cyclins

32 And _#?_ copies of DNA are made.
Complementary copies And _#?_ copies of DNA are made. cyclins

33 BUT…these copies are not identical to the template strand.
Complementary copies cyclins BUT…these copies are not identical to the template strand.

34 BUT…these copies are not identical to the template strand.
Complementary copies WHY? cyclins BUT…these copies are not identical to the template strand.

35 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #5 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

36 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #5 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

37 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #6 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

38 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #6 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

39 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #7 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

40 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #7 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

41 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #8 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

42 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #8 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

43 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #9 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

44 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.
Question #9 Predict the sequence for the complementary strand.

45 Practice problems

46 Intervention Question #1A
What would be the sequence for the complementary DNA strand? cyclins

47 Intervention Question #1B
What would be the sequence for the mRNA strand? cyclins

48 Intervention Question #1c
What would be the amino acid tRNA would bring? cyclins

49 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

50 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

51 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

52 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

53 Difference between dna & rna bases

54 Intervention Question #2A
What is the complementary DNA sequence? Template DNA: T A G cyclins

55 Intervention Question #2B
What is the mRNA sequence? Template DNA: T A G Complementary DNA: A T C cyclins

56 Intervention Question #2c
What is the tRNA sequence? Template DNA: T A G Complementary DNA: A T C mRNA: U A G cyclins

57 Intervention Question #2ABC
What are the C’DNA, mRNA, & tRNA sequences? Template DNA: T A G Complementary DNA: A T C mRNA: U A G tRNA: Amino Acid? cyclins

58 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

59 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

60 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

61 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

62 Difference between dna & rna bases

63 Intervention Question #3A
What is the complementary DNA sequence? Template DNA: A A C cyclins

64 Intervention Question #3B
What is the mRNA sequence? Template DNA: A A C Complementary DNA: T T G cyclins

65 Intervention Question #3c
What is the tRNA sequence? Template DNA: A A C Complementary DNA: T T G mRNA: A A C cyclins

66 Intervention Question #3ABC
What are the C’DNA, mRNA, & tRNA sequences? Template DNA: A A C Complementary DNA: T T G mRNA: A A C tRNA: Amino Acid? cyclins

67 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

68 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

69 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

70 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

71 Difference between dna & rna bases

72 Intervention Question #4A
What is the complementary DNA sequence? Template DNA: T T A cyclins

73 Intervention Question #4B
What is the mRNA sequence? Template DNA: T T A Complementary DNA: A A T cyclins

74 Intervention Question #4c
What is the tRNA sequence? Template DNA: T T A Complementary DNA: A A T mRNA: U U A cyclins

75 Intervention Question #4ABC
What are the C’DNA, mRNA, & tRNA sequences? Template DNA: T T A Complementary DNA: A A T mRNA: U U A tRNA: Amino Acid? cyclins

76 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

77 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

78 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

79 The Genetic Code U C A G U C A G 2nd Base 1st Base 3rd Base
phenylalanine leucine isoleucine methionine valine serine proline threonine alanine tyrosine STOP histidine glutamine asparagine lysine aspartate glutamate cysteine tryptophan U C A G arginine glycine 2nd Base The Genetic Code 1st Base 3rd Base

80 Difference between dna & rna bases

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