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Introduction to Analysis of Variance: The LOGIC of ANOVA

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1 Introduction to Analysis of Variance: The LOGIC of ANOVA
Suppose an employer wants to evaluate how long it takes his employees to perform a typing task. He knows that his company has three levels of training: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Typing. He would like to know if these groups differ in the amount of time it takes them to type a paragraph of text. Below are the results. BEGINNER INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED 16 sec sec sec

2 Introduction to Analysis of Variance: The LOGIC of ANOVA
Suppose an employer wants to evaluate how long it takes his employees to perform a typing task. He knows that his company has three levels of training: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Typing. He would like to know if these groups differ in the amount of time it takes them to type a paragraph of text. Below are the results. BEGINNER INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED 16 sec sec sec

3 Calculation of ANOVA (The F statistic):

4 Experimental example Student Mean performance Effect of stress on
measured intelligence. Or performance on an intelligence test. (a=.05) The Data With Alone 2 3 Help tasks tasks IQ scores

5 H1: There is an effect of stress on measured intelligence.
H0: There is no effect of stress on measured intelligence. Critical Value: ANOVA has TWO degrees of freedom terms. dfnumerator = k-1 dfdenominator= N-k Where k = the number of groups and N = total number of people in whole experiment Critical Value: From F-table: Fcrit(3,8) = 4.07 (alpha=.05) Obtained Statistic:

6 Calculation example X =115.33 SS1 114.00 108.67 60.67 SS2 50.00 116.00
With Alone 2 3 Help tasks tasks With Alone 2 3 Help tasks tasks 108.67 116.00 SS2 50.00 SS3 88.67 SS4 50.00 X =115.33 114.00 SS1 60.67

7 Calculation example X =115.33 SS1 114.00 108.67 60.67 SS2 50.00 116.00
With Alone 2 3 Help tasks tasks With Alone 2 3 Help tasks tasks 108.67 116.00 SS2 50.00 SS3 88.67 SS4 50.00 X =115.33 114.00 SS1 60.67

8 Calculation example Fcrit(3,8) = 4.07
With Alone 2 3 Help tasks tasks With Alone 2 3 Help tasks tasks Fcrit(3,8) = 4.07 Decision: Retain the null hypothesis.


10 “Unplanned comparisons”
One-Way ANOVA: POST-HOC tests “Unplanned comparisons” If and only if our ANOVA is significant, we conduct a post-hoc test. In this class, we will use Tukey’s post-hoc test. Example Data: Splenda Equal Sweet & Low 3 6 4 1 2 5 7






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