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Natural Factors Affecting Climate and Weather

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Factors Affecting Climate and Weather"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Factors Affecting Climate and Weather
Tilt of the Earth Air pressure Ocean Currents Wind Currents Near Water

2 Tilt of the Earth The tilt of the earth allows certain parts of the Earth to be closer to the sun at different times Summer – Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun Winter – Northern Hemisphere is titled away from the sun.

3 As we move from December to June the number of daylight hours increases due to the tilt of the axis (earth surface receives more direct sunlight). June to December daylight hours get shorter earth cools.

4 Air Pressure Low pressure
= Warm air rises = water in air condensing due to cooling = clouds = bad weather High pressure = Warm air cannot rise = clear skies = good weather

5 Side note: Convection Convection: The movement of energy through movement of liquids/gases. Warm air/water rises, and is replaced by colder air. Warm air/water falls and the cycle continues until air/water is the same temperature.

6 Side note: Convection Convection Currents you tube video
This is why water and air currents are created

7 Ocean Currents Warm always follows cold - when this happens in the water convection currents are made and oceans move! Warmer water creates warmer, wetter climate Colder water creates cooler, drier climate

8 Cold ocean current Peru current causes the climate on coast to be cold/dry dessert. Two other ‘cold’ deserts are in South America and Africa.

9 Warm Ocean Current Hawaii, Thailand and Brazil have warm currents, causing warm and wetter coasts. This is where many of Earth's rainforests are and thriving diversity.

10 Wind Currents Uneven heating of the earth causes some areas to be warmer than others. Warm always follows cold - when this happens in the atmosphere convection currents are made and wind happens!


12 Water helps to moderate the temperature. Water holds in heat well.
Near Water Water helps to moderate the temperature. Water holds in heat well. Cities by the water will have cooler summers and warmer winters than cities not by water.

13 Closeness to Large Bodies of Water


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