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Presentation on theme: "FUN WITH THE GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS."— Presentation transcript:


2 This organizer introduces the Issue Analyzer.

3 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
1 I’ve heard about one side of the controversy, and that’s all I need to hear! I’m taking a stand! Cool Not Cool Find out about both sides of an issue before taking a stand!

4 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
2 I am convinced my side is right. Still, I know the other side has valid reasons and evidence too! Cool Not Cool Issues have intelligent, thoughtful arguments on both sides.

5 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
3 Dude. How many sides are there to an issue? One! MY side! Cool Not Cool There are (at least) two sides to every issue. Got it?

6 This organizer introduces the Claim Creator.

7 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
4 Why? Because I said so! That’s all the reason anyone needs. Cool Not Cool People expect you to back up your argument with reasons.

8 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
5 When I take a stand on an issue, it’s just my opinion unless I back it up with reasons and evidence. Cool Not Cool Reasons and evidence give your argument something to stand on.

9 Paragraph Constructor
This organizer introduces the Paragraph Constructor. Paragraph Constructor

10 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
6 I’m organizing my essay reason by reason so my reader can follow my argument clearly. Cool Not Cool Discussing one reason at a time makes your argument easy to follow.

11 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
7 Evidence? Totally unnecessary. I mean, I gave them a reason, didn’t I? Cool Not Cool Reasons alone aren’t enough. Evidence shows your reason makes sense.

12 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
8 I’m putting all my reasons and evidence in one big paragraph. The reader will figure it out. Cool Not Cool Paragraphs group similar ideas together so readers aren’t confused.

13 This organizer introduces the Critic Crusher.

14 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
9 The other side has a strong argument. I’ll need my own reasons and evidence to crush it. Cool Not Cool Fight reasons and evidence with your own reasons and evidence!

15 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
10 The other side just wants attention. Well, I won’t give it to them! I’ll ignore the other side. Cool Not Cool Dealing with the other side’s argument makes YOUR argument strong!

16 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
11 The other side is wronger than wrong. I’ll just say that in my essay. (Seriously, they’re wrong.) Cool Not Cool You’re wrong. No, you’re wrong. No, YOU’RE wrong! (Effective, huh?)

17 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
12 I don’t agree with the other side, but my argument won’t be strong unless I deal with theirs. Cool Not Cool Yup. Enough said.

18 Introduction Introducer
This organizer introduces the Critic Crusher. Introduction Introducer

19 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
13 My claim is fascinating! It stands by itself! One look at my claim, and readers will be hooked. Cool Not Cool Um, don’t count on it. Snag the reader with info they can’t ignore!

20 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
14 The body of my essay has all my reasons and evidence. I don’t need anything before that. Cool Not Cool The introduction sets up your argument. It’s like T-ball.

21 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
15 My argument? Boring? No way! And I’m going to make sure they know that right up front. Cool Not Cool The introduction is your chance to pull the reader into your essay.

22 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
16 I’m a creative person. I’m going to start out reason-claim-reason- hook… um… then a reason. Cool Not Cool Sounds more like you’re a disorganized person. Sorry, that won’t work.

23 This organizer introduces the Critic Crusher.
Conclusion Crafter

24 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
17 Miss a chance to hammer home my argument? No way. I’m listing all my reasons again. Cool Not Cool Give the reader one last review. Really hammer it this time!

25 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
18 My reasons sounded great the first time I wrote them. I’ll write them exactly that way again. Cool Not Cool Don’t just repeat. Be creative. Find a new, stronger way to write them.

26 Cool or Not Cool? Cool Not Cool
19 My argument is pretty strong on its own. I’ll just finish my essay with “So that’s my argument.” Cool Not Cool Don’t waste your last hurrah! End with something they’ll remember.

27 “The End” is for movies. Not essays.
(#20: Never, ever, ever write “the end” at the end of an essay. That is so not cool.) “The End” is for movies. Not essays.


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