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Independently owned and operated

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1 Independently owned and operated
Infrared Imaging The scan on the left shows heat loss through the roof and attic on a cold night. The middle scan shows missing insulation in the ceiling. The scan on the right shows the routing of in floor radiant heat tubes and also shows the system is allowing proper flow through the tubes. Independently owned and operated

2 Infrared Imaging The scan on the left shows heat loss through the roof and attic on a cold night. The middle scan shows missing insulation in the ceiling. The scan on the right shows the routing of in-floor radiant heat tubes and also shows that the system is allowing proper flow through the tubes.

3 What Is Infrared Imaging?
Also called thermography Combines technical knowledge with specialized equipment to see and measure thermal energy emitted from an object Infrared imaging, also called thermography, combines technical knowledge with specialized equipment as part of a home inspection to help measure thermal energy emitted from an object.

4 Thermal Energy Part of the electromagnetic spectrum
Energy, or heat, emitted from an object Cannot be seen by the naked eye Thermal energy is part of the electromagnetic spectrum that we perceive as heat. Thermography allows us to see what the eyes cannot.

5 How Infrared Imaging Works
Specially designed camera captures images of invisible infrared or “heat” radiation The camera converts information into digital images with heat changes so the human eye can see it Images reveal points of possible concern that show up as warmer or cooler in relation to their surroundings Infrared imaging uses a specially designed camera to register changes in temperature, or heat energy, across surfaces in a home. The camera converts the information into a digital image with heat changes so the human eye and see it. The images can be viewed in grays or multiple colors. The images then are interpreted by the inspector to provide the homeowner with additional information.

6 How Infrared Imaging Works
Helps identify problems in buildings’ electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems, as well as helps to find areas of missing insulation Images are interpreted by a qualified inspector Recorded thermal images can be easily inserted into inspection reports

7 The Benefits of Infrared
Moisture detection Energy efficiency Safety Temperature changes across surfaces as read by the infrared camera and interpreted by the inspector can indicate developing leaks, preventable heating and cooling losses, and safety concerns.

8 The Benefits of Infrared
Moisture Detection Moisture leaking from a certain area of the home can leave a pattern that is detectable with the camera Images can reveal potential leaks Alerts you to smaller issues before they become bigger problems Moisture, maybe leaking through a section of the roof, can leave a pattern that is detectable with infrared camera imaging, allowing the inspector to alert you to smaller issues before they become bigger problems.

9 Example: Moisture Detection
The stain appears to be wet. Further testing using a nonpenetrating moisture meter will also be used to confirm the findings. Water stains on a ceiling Stain shows up “cooler” as a dark color in this infrared image, showing the area of concern

10 The Benefits of Infrared
Energy Efficiency Identifies areas of missing or reduced insulation Repairs or replacement can reduce heating and cooling costs Utility payments are a concern for many homeowners. Significant savings are possible when insulation levels are analyzed with the help of an infrared camera. Infrared imaging can show areas of reduced or missing insulation, as it appears a different color or shade of gray on the surface of a wall. Repairs or replacement can reduce the home’s heating and cooling costs.

11 Example: Energy Efficiency
A normal photograph of a wall Infrared imaging shows what can’t be seen by the naked eye. The bright color depicts a spot of reduced insulation

12 The Benefits of Infrared
Safety Temperature differentials point to “hot spots” in wiring Potential fire hazards can be addressed for overall safety Temperature differentials, as noted by an infrared camera, may point to “hot spots” in wiring. These hot spots are potential fire hazards, which can be addressed for overall safety in the home.

13 What you see looking at your electrical panel
Example: Safety What you see looking at your electrical panel Infrared imaging depicts a hot spot in the wiring, which can be a potential fire hazard

14 The Benefits of Infrared
Enables inspector to provide clearer picture of a property’s condition to the buyer (greater buyer confidence) Inspector can better diagnose the condition of buildings May eliminate more invasive, destructive and expensive probing techniques An infrared camera enables an inspector to provide a clearer picture of a property condition to the buyer, instilling greater buyer confidence. Using an infrared camera, an inspector can better diagnose the condition of buildings. The inspector can quickly identify problems that may not be seen by the naked eye. This may eliminate more invasive, destructive and expensive probing techniques that may have been required in the past to locate and confirm the location of moisture problems, areas of missing or reduced insulation, etc.

15 Significant Findings Upon completion of the inspection, NPI will:
Provide a detailed report, complete with digital and infrared photos Offer general recommendations to make the property more comfortable and affordable Alert the homeowner to smaller issues before they become bigger concerns

16 Other Examples of Infrared
Show and discuss any other examples of infrared imaging that you have. If you don’t have other examples, delete this slide.

17 Choose NPI for Infrared Imaging
Certified in providing infrared imaging NPI has been performing residential and commercial inspections since 1987 NPI has nearly 300 offices throughout the United States and Canada Locally owned and nationally supported operations Professionally trained inspectors Fully insured with E&O and general liability coverage

18 Thank you!

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