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1 Administration

2 A note from the JOHS Cambridge Director
Dear Cambridge Students, I am taking orders for this year's Cambridge T-shirt so don't miss out!! (T-shirts are FREE!!) Please go to complete the online form.  It will take you about two minutes to complete it. Thanks!!! Mr. Trotter

3 Progress Reports Wed, Feb 8th
All incomplete work for first nine weeks will receive a grade of zero If you make an 85 or less on the essay (Unit 3.1), you will be able to make it up after progress report time. Highest grade you will be able to score on a make-up quiz is a 90.

4 After-School Tutoring
Dates: 1/18 – 5/26 From: Esterline After-school tutoring will be held in portable 13 every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:15 to 5:00 PM. Please notify Mr. Esterline (ext. 3083) if you have an emergency and are not able to attend. Thanks!

5 Common Essay Problem Areas
Thesis Statements None Less than 3 arguments Overlapping and/or imprecise arguments Incomplete / cannot stand alone Up to four sentence thesis statements Topic Sentences for arguments Incomplete / cannot stand alone (same as thesis statement issues above) Argument paragraphs Less than 3 examples cited as evidence in support Evidence cited is irrelevant to the argument (even contravenes the argument) Evidence is too general /non-specific Conclusion Does not restate the essay’s thesis Introduces new evidence Other: Spelling, grammar, format, following instructions

6 After-School Availability
I will be here, Rm 161, Mon-Thru after-school this week, 30 Jan – 2 Feb, for make-ups and tutoring I will arrive in the room about 5-10 min after the 2:05 bell. On Wed, 2:15-2:45, I have a Cambridge meeting but will be here afterwards. Door will be unlocked.

7 The Shah & the Revolution
3.2.3 The Shah & the Revolution

8 End Four Minutes First Four Chart Date & label your work
2/2/16 – Quote/Cartoon What do the quote & the cartoon have in common? How do they connect to what you know about the Shah of Iran? Keep this with all of your other First Four work. To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds. End

9 My main mistake was to have made an ancient people advance by forced marches toward independence, health, culture, affluence, comfort Shah of Iran

10 How did we rank these? How do we rank them now?
Tension in the Gulf Israel Religion National Identity Individuals Oil

11 GC #3 - Why was there a Revolution in Iran in 1979?

12 GC #3 - Why was there a Revolution in Iran in 1979?
What other factors can we add? Hint: John Green gives us at least two more that are significant! Add these to your chart.

13 GC #3 - Why was there a Revolution in Iran in 1979?
Cut out your factors leading to revolution. Which ones go together? Discuss with your group & organize these into groups or categories.

14 Iranian Revolution Essay Work Flow
Create Factors List Group Factors Into 3 Categories Create Thesis Statement Using 3 Evidence Categories Create Topic Sentences Using Thesis Statement Use Text & Multimedia as sources Ensure factors are distinct & do not overlap Create generalized categories Ensure categories do not overlap Ensure there are three factors per category Add generalized categories to thesis statement Ensure thesis statement can stand alone Use same language in topic sentence as was used in thesis statement Ensure topic sentences can stand alone Create Conclusion by Restating Thesis List 3 Factors Beneath Each Topic Sentence Ensure major points of the thesis are addressed Do NOT introduce new evidence Ensure factors align with topic sentence

15 Activity Why was there a revolution in Iran in 1979?
Write a thesis statement that answers the question, makes an argument, and clearly identifies three specific categories on which you could write body paragraphs of an essay.

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