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Multiplication & Division

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Presentation on theme: "Multiplication & Division"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiplication & Division

2 Multiplication

3 Always gives you a Positive Number
Multiplying Two Positive Numbers Always gives you a Positive Number

4 2 x 4 = 8 Easy!

5 The Product of Two Negative Numbers is …

6 Positive! (-3)(-10) = 30

7 (-5)(-4) = ? 20

8 The Product of A Positive & A Negative Number Is Always Negative

9 Minus always wins 6 x -6 = -36

10 - Versus +

11 (-)(+) Minus Wins

12 Anything times Zero is:
8 x 0 =

13 (6,245,399)(0) is: -68 x 0 =

14 Division

15 Always gives you a Positive Number
Dividing Two Positive Numbers Always gives you a Positive Number

16 = 4 Easy!

17 Dividing Two Negative Numbers …

18 Positive! = 4

19 Dividing A Positive & A Negative Number Negative always wins

20 = -4 Negative always wins

21 Which fraction is undefined? Which one equals 0?

22 0 on top = 0 0 on bottom is undefined and is…………………….

23 = BAD !!!

24 Got It? -(3)(2) = -6

25 Got It? -2/-1 = 2

26 Got it? 0/3 =

27 Trick Question = -2

28 Got It?

29 Got It? = 11

30 Now, try some problems on your own.

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