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1 Housing

2 Content Aspirations Development Role The Bungalows Housing Options
Adult Social Care

3 Aspirations That people with disabilities experience more choice and control in the range, quality and supply of local supported housing available as an alternative to out of borough residential care or other forms of specialist housing. Housing and support services will maximise the opportunities for all people with disabilities to live ordinary lives in the community, in their own home , including people with autism, complex and challenging needs. Improved pathways into and through housing will offer independent ‘move on’ options to people who have gained skills and confidence and increased access to supported employment and other community activities. People will have access to new and improved high quality housing and support services that are fit for the future, providing flexible provision that meets people’s longer term access needs Adult Social Care

4 Strategy & Development
Improve the variety of housing options available locally for people with learning and physical disabilities in Swindon The existing pathways into and through mainstream housing and support will be reviewed to ensure that people have the opportunity to access more independent supported and mainstream housing tenancies. Future models of accommodation will be based on promoting independence through tenancy arrangements , flexible personalised support and access to community activities and supported employment opportunities. Effective, timely planning with people who are living with older carers and those who are moving from Children’s and Adult Services will be delivered to ensure that future housing needs are identified and that people have access to good housing advice and information. Adult Social Care

5 The Bungalows 24 Units of Assisted Living Adult Social Care

6 The Bungalows 24 Units of Assisted Living Adult Social Care

7 The Bungalows 24 Units of Assisted Living Adult Social Care

8 The Bungalows 24 Units of Assisted Living Adult Social Care

9 The Bungalows 24 Units of Assisted Living Adult Social Care

10 The Bungalows 24 Units of Assisted Living Adult Social Care

11 The Bungalows 24 Units of Assisted Living Adult Social Care

12 Housing in Swindon Residential Supported Living Housing with Support
General Needs Adult Social Care

13 Housing Register Adult Social Care
Anyone over the age of 18 who has lived in the Borough of Swindon for the last 2 years Anyone that has a close relative who has lived in the Borough for two years or more Anyone who Is employed in the Borough for more than 24 hours a week Anyone who is a member of the Armed Forces or has previously served in the Forces in the last 5 years A British Citizen or be granted leave to remain in the UK Habitually resident in the UK Adult Social Care

14 Supported Accommodation
HOUSING WILL NEED A Completed Homebid Application A LD housing referral from ASC Confirmation of care package Application can be on line & this is the preferred method. However the Homebid team can assist on the phone or by appointment at the office LD referral should include details of ongoing care plan & any issues we need to be aware of Proofs – ID / current address / income These are done on a direct match basis as agreed with ASC – Elaine Turner Adult Social Care

15 Supported Accommodation for Young People
Accessed via the Council’s Housing Options Service. Allocations are based on availability and priority There is a range of accommodation, small based supported accommodation to a large 50 bed Foyer Register on for more information about the schemes Application can be on line & this is the preferred method. However the Homebid team can assist on the phone or by appointment at the office LD referral should include details of ongoing care plan & any issues we need to be aware of Proofs – ID / current address / income These are done on a direct match basis as agreed with ASC – Elaine Turner Adult Social Care

16 Moving into General Needs Accommodation
Housing will need A complete Homebid Application A Housing Needs Assessment, including an affordability assessment. A reference form the applicants current landlord If necessary confirmation from ASC of any care package is in place. Adult Social Care

17 Private Rented Accommodation
Don’t rule it out, it is an option. The Private Sector can sometimes meet your personal needs better than social housing, for example, specific locations. There is less security than a social housing tenancy It will be more expensive than General Needs Housing from the Council or Housing Association Adult Social Care

18 Useful Links U
Adult Social Care

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