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BILC 2012 Prague.

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1 BILC 2012 Prague

2 Lifelong Language Learning
enhancing educational effectiveness

3 mandate association with NATO accomplishments challenges this week

4 Mandate BILC was established in 1966 to serve as a clearinghouse for language matters within the NATO community. To do so, we conduct conferences and seminars, workshops and assistance visits, sponsor the NATO Standards Agreement on language (STANAG ), and provide expertise in the service of NATO and nations.

5 Summary from Concept of Operations
To disseminate to participating countries print and multimedia instructional materials, tests, and information on developments in the field of language training. To review the work done in the co-ordination field and in the study of particular language topics through the convening of an annual conference and seminar for participating nations as well as member sponsored seminars and workshops focused on selected topics To act as a clearing house for the exchange of information between participating countries on developments in the field of language training. To be custodian of STANAG 6001.

6 Concept of Operations BILC strives to support the NATO Alliance by promoting language interoperability amongst NATO and Partner nations

7 Memorandum of Cooperation between SACT and BILC (2011)
Association with NATO Memorandum of Cooperation between SACT and BILC (2011) What we offer: expertise and collaboration Benefits: recognition, guidance, and support for PfP From 1973 to 2011, BILC was associated with NATO Training Group through the Joint Services Subgroup. With the reorganization of NTG in 2011, BILC became better aligned as a strategic rather than tactical element, while retaining its status as an independent advisory body. Two effects of this restructuring is an acceleration of our business cycle and a more formal association with DCOS SACT, Joint Force Trainer in Norfolk, whom we now advise directly rather than through a lengthy to-ing and fro-ing through the hierarchy. The relationship is more effective, and more demanding, in that reaction times are now measured in days and weeks rather than months and years. BILC’s involvement is integral to the implementation of strategic planning in NATO.

8 Connected Forces Initiative Education and Training Transformation
Strategic Concept Smart Defence Reorganization Connected Forces Initiative Education and Training Transformation To recognize how we can support NATO, it is valuable to know how NATO is orienting itself for the next decade. This is familiar territory for BILC. The notion of Smart Defence is new to NATO and has grown out of the need to do more with fewer resources. The 2010 Strategic Concept outlines NATO’s direction for the next decade (collective defence and deterrence, crisis management, and cooperative security). Essentially Smart Defence, launched in Munich in March of 2011, is the means to meet the capabilities requirements of NATO and nations: think of NATO nations in terms of a multinational corporation collaboratively managing resources rather than competitors to meet local market demand. The adoption of Smart Defence advances the Strategic Concept. New NATO Command Structures and the rationalization of NATO agencies have followed swiftly, and the Connected Forces Initiative launched this year in Munich is intended to capture the lessons learned in interoperability from recent operations. The key term here, which we in BILC are keenly aware of, is interoperability. As we know, the most significant shortfall in interoperability is proficiency in the English Language. Commencing after the May Summit in Chicago, as NATO is more able to leverage operational downtime, we can expect to see a tighter focus on individual and collective E&T within NATO. If all goes as planned, by December 2012 all of NATO’s Education and Training needs will be directed by JFT. This will have implications for certain national language programs who will be in the position of offering courses for other nations -- with financial support from NATO. A coordinated network of E&T institutions will rely heavily on standards, and a common interpretation and application of those standards. Study Group 4 will address some aspects of this initiative. In short, as nations are obliged to constrain resources, they will also be encouraged by a central authority to actively collaborate with other nations to maintain and develop required capabilities. BILC’s piece of the puzzle is language, which is integral to interoperability. To ensure that profiles are accurate and appropriate for posting to NATO HQ and Operational Commands, two elements need to be developed. The first is a language needs analysis to validate Standardized Language Profiles (SLP) in Job Descriptions (JD), and the second is a gateway verification test, the NATO English Test (NET), that will be administered to all incoming personnel. BILC has been asked by JFT to provide assistance in both conducting SLPs and in creating the NET.

9 Language Programs STANAG 6001 Nations Language Individual Training &
Education Programs Assessment SLP Retention

10 STANAG 6001 Language Requirement NATO NATO Ops NATO HQ SLP in JD
Actual SLP GAP STANAG 6001

11 STANAG 6001 Benchmark Advisory Test

12 NATO English Test (NET) STANAG 6001

13 NET Nations NATO Ops NATO HQ Language Individual Training & Education Programs SLP in JD 58% Actual SLP BAT Assessment NATO SLP Retention

14 NATO Recognition & Funding NET Nations NATO Ops NATO HQ Language
Individual Training & Education Programs NATO SLP in JD Actual SLP Gap 58% BAT Assessment Visual aid: NATO SLP Retention

15 Accomplishments Accomplishments Annual Conferences: 45
Professional Seminars: 20 Language Testing Seminars: lots Assistance Visits: lots and lots BILC Journal: decline since 1992, due to tech advances and Website Consultations: lots and lots and lots ALTS: 2 STANAG 6001: four to date.

16 Challenges NATO Internal Reorganization of BILC
Outreach and Promotion of BILC Services National Synchronization with partners Continuing Professionalization of Participants NATO National includes NATO bodies

17 Agenda Lifelong Learning enhancing educational effectiveness

18 Initial Investment Deployment/Posting Attrition is the enemy
to be countered by Opportunity Motivation Recognition

19 Participate Enjoy Bring it all home

20 bilc

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