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Applying to University 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Applying to University 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying to University 2019
UCAS University and Colleges Admissions Service Mrs Rivett Presentation on Application process & the UCAS form. Mrs Montgomery Course advice, work experience & career interviews

2 UCAS information on school website ABOUT US/SIXTH FORM /UCAS
This evening’s PPT presentation UCAS application guidance sheets Information on admissions tests Personal statement guidance Oxbridge application PPT University interviews PPT Useful websites School policy on predicted A level grades

3 UCAS widget On UCAS section of school website
Links directly to UCAS site. Content will be regularly reviewed and updated by UCAS so it remains relevant.

4 Apprenticeships All apprenticeships –
Degree apprenticeships 5 year programme where student is paid a salary and company pay the tuition fees eg. John Moores University Wide variety of subjects on offer eg. Engineering, Law, Product Design, Conveyancing, Banking, Surveying etc.

5 Getting Started Careers interview Speak to teachers Websites
Attend open days Research bursaries & scholarships

6 UCAS Merseyside HE convention
Liverpool University all day 14th June 120 exhibitors, subject seminars, industry professionals, student finance information, apprenticeships, life at a campus university & opportunity to examine world of work. 40 other universities attend All year 12 students have been booked onto this.

7 Try your best to get in! University is a competitive market.

8 The ladder to success! Research thoroughly! Extracurricular!
Perfect your personal statement! Gain experience! Work hard for end of year 12 exams as well as A levels! Be organised & apply early!

9 UCAS Apply 2019 launch 22nd May for applicants.
UCAS search tool includes information on over 50,000 courses, admission requirements, university location etc.

10 How UCAS works Apply online through UCAS. 1 application form
Up to 5 courses. Be realistic about grades! Deferred entry – Can apply for course this year but finance next year. Remember login details & security questions, you will need them all year.

11 UCAS form - Some useful hints!
Fee code 02 Enter GCSE results and pending A level subjects (school add predicted grades). Personal statement - 12 point type and 4000 characters. All are scanned for plagiarism. Payment (£24) by credit/debit card online before sending to referee (school). School adds student’s school reference. Any additional references to form tutor by 18th May

12 Don’t miss important Deadlines!
Most applicants - School deadline 15th October to allow school reference completion and checking before Christmas to meet the 15th January UCAS deadline Oxbridge/Medicine/Veterinary Science and Dentistry have earlier school deadline 14th September to meet 15th October UCAS deadline.

13 Admissions tests Some universities in certain subjects.
List on UCAS website and on school website. Check if your subject/choice of university requires an admission test. Most tests register online and taken at an allocated test centre. Some tests taken in school. Find out dates of tests online (Dates vary May-Nov).

14 Interviews Most University courses select on application only. Some eg. Oxbridge interview all. Format varies – formal or relaxed. Chance to show knowledge, ability & skills not on application form. Structure varies – Q&A, scenario discussion, group task, audition, written task. Q&A testing how you think not just knowledge. Know personal statement & question spot. Be alert to relevant topical news issues. Know details of course & University. Dress smartly, use eye contact & good posture.

15 Qualifications & Revision
GCSEs Predicted A level grades Beware – you do not need more than 3 A levels (AAA may fulfil offer but AABB would not). Revise thoroughly for Year 12 exams. End of Year 12 exams will be used by staff to predict A level grades to send to UCAS.

16 Tariff points Most universities ask for 3 A level grades.
56 A 48 B 40 C 32 D 24 E 16 Most universities ask for 3 A level grades. Some use a tariff system (points) and may allow points accumulated from 3 A levels, EPQ and other vocational qualifications eg. music

17 Applications for 2019 Science A levels have a required practical component. Science practical pass requirement included in some university offers as well as A level grades.

18 3/4 Academic focus plus work experience if applicable
Personal Statement Structure Introduction 3/4 Academic focus plus work experience if applicable 1/4 Extracurricular Conclusion

19 Personal Statement Strong opener – no plagiarism
Use short & simple sentences not verbose Positive words eg. achieved, developed, learned, discovered, enthusiastic, committed, energetic….. Avoid hyperbole Avoid cliché & quotes Motivation and insight into the course/career Social and cultural awareness & life experience Interests, activities, achievements & challenges Support claims What are you looking forward to? Link beginning to the end

20 Oxford and Cambridge Apply to Oxford or Cambridge via UCAS.
4 other choices. Personal statement very important. Mock interview in school – see Mr Byrne. Open application or specific college. Admissions test.

21 Medicine, Veterinary Science & Dentistry
4 choices plus 1 other choice from another subject area. Relevant work experience in a caring role BMAT - Medicine/Veterinary Science £46 Register with exam office July (test 31st Oct) UKCAT (Medicine/Dentistry) register online from May testing begins July & ends Sept . £65-87 Interview – Panel style or MMI. Experience, ethical problems, opinions on issues, role play etc. Group interviews to observe interpersonal skills. Interview technique & advice about work experience – see Mrs Montgomery.

22 UCAS Conservatoires UCAS Conservatoires (£24 admission fee
but also audition fees). Some conservatoires are via direct application. 2nd October deadline for Music (school deadline 15th September) & 15th January (school deadline 16th October) for Dance & Drama courses. Music, dance & drama at 8 conservatoires in UK. Tuition fees vary – check with individual conservatoire. 6 choices (unlike 5 for UCAS) Can apply simultaneously to UCAS conservatoires & UCAS. Can only hold 1 firm place with either UCAS or UCAS conservatoires.

23 Summary of what to do before end of term.
Research courses thoroughly & bursaries, scholarships etc. Open days. External references to form tutor by 18th May Attend UCAS HE conference 14th June Draft Personal Statement & get it checked. Begin your online application form. Continue to work on this at home. Register for admissions tests.

24 Early September Finalise UCAS application form, pay online & send to school Students will read & sign their school reference.

25 What happens next? Use UCAS Track to monitor progress of application and reply to offers. Invitations to interviews and offers come in! 1 firm and 1 insurance place. UCAS extra (Feb to June) if no offers or you have rejected all 5. Use UCAS track to search courses available.

26 Application online from February. Deadline 30th May next year.
Tuition fee loan (£9,250) Maintenance loan - £4000 then any additional is means tested against parental income. Up to £11,354 (London) or £8,700 (Outside London) Pay back when earning over £25,000. Pay 9% of anything you earn above this amount. Outstanding balance written off after 30 years. Student Finance

27 Results day Use Track at to see available places.
Be available! Don’t go on holiday! Clearing places limited. Ring universities to secure an offer.

28 Finally… Parental/guardian guide to UCAS can be found on the UCAS website

29 Questions? We are happy to stay to try to answer any individual questions that you may have.

30 Admissions tests LNAT (for Law)
BMAT (Biomedical test for Medicine and Vet. Science/Medicine) UKCAT (UK clinical aptitude test) – Medicine/dentistry Oxbridge Admissions Tests TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) - Cambridge & Oxford HAT (History aptitude test) - Oxford. ELAT (English Literature) - Oxford STEP (Sixth term Examination Papers for Maths) – Cambridge MML (Modern and Medieval Languages) Cambridge

31 LNAT (for Law) £50 Must register on line.
Birmingham, Bristol, Durham, Glasgow, King’s College London, Nottingham, UCL, Oxford. (Cambridge have their own test) BMAT (Biomedical test for Medicine and Vet. Science/Medicine) £45 Register with school exam office. Cambridge, Imperial College, Oxford, Royal Vet. College, UCL, Brighton & Sussex, Lancaster & Leeds UKCAT (UK clinical aptitude test) £ For many medical and dental schools. Register online.

32 Oxbridge Admissions Tests
Modern and Medieval languages test (MML) – Cambridge. Administered at interview. TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Computer Sciences, Engineering, Natural Sciences and Economics. Administered at interview. Oxford register online. Cambridge and UCL carried out at interview. History aptitude test - Oxford. No registration required (let exam office know).

33 UKCAT University of Aberdeen • University of Birmingham • Cardiff University • University of Dundee • Durham University • University of East Anglia • University of Edinburgh • University of Exeter • University of Glasgow • Hull York Medical School • Keele University • King's College London • University of Leicester • University of Liverpool • University of Manchester • University of Newcastle • University of Nottingham • Plymouth University • Queen Mary, University of London • Queen's University Belfast • University of Sheffield • University of Southampton • University of St Andrews • St George’s, University of London • University of Warwick

34 Useful Websites. Calday home page-about us, Sixth form, UCAS.
UCAS website course search 50,000 courses at 325 institutions. ‘Yougo’ student forum. New research tool ‘Course Finder’. (matches answers to 8 course areas and universities offering them). Report is £20 (£15 for online report). Uni guidance – Useful university and course search site. - helps you to research subjects, universities, entry requirements, student ratings, graduate employment statistics.

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