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Algebra Wednesday 8/11/10.

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra Wednesday 8/11/10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra Wednesday 8/11/10

2 Agenda Create math folder Create math notebook Homework check
Lesson 1.3

3 Personal Mathematical Analysis of Achievement test
Circle the problems that you missed. Complete the fraction of missed items for each topic. This PMAAT along with the test will be placed in your Student Led Folio for your upcoming conference.

4 Homework Section 1.1: Pages (begin with 1 then continue 3n where n=1,2,3,4,5,6, etc.) Section 1.2: Pages (begin with 1 then continue 3n where n=1,2,3,4,5,6, etc.)

5 Define the following terms in your notebook:
Evaluate Expressions Define the following terms in your notebook: Variable Algebraic expression Power Base Exponent

6 Evaluate Expressions Algebraic expression Meaning Operation
5(n) 5·n 5n 5 times n Multiplication 14/y 14÷y 14 divided by y Division 6 + c 6 plus c Addition 8 – x 8 minus x Subtraction

7 Evaluate Expressions Examples: copy into your note book

8 Define the following terms: Order of Operations

9 Order of Operations Key concepts
Evaluate expressions inside grouping symbols Evaluate powers Multiply and divide from left to right Add and subtract from left to right

10 Order of Operations Key concepts P E M D A S

11 Key concepts P arenthesis E xponent M ultiply D ivide A dd S ubtract
Order of Operations Key concepts P arenthesis E xponent M ultiply D ivide A dd S ubtract

12 Write Expressions Operation Verbal phrase Expression
Addition: sum, plus, total, more than, increased by The sum of 2 and a number x. 2 + x The sum of a number plus 7 n + 7 Subtraction: difference, less than, minus, decreased by The difference of a number n and 6 n-6 A number y-5 y-5 Multiplication: times, product, multiplied by, of 12 times a number y 12y ¼ of a number x ¼(x) Division: quotient, divided by, divided into The quotient of a number k and 2 k/2

13 Homework Pages 18-20 1,2,3-11 odd,13,14,15-21 odd,22-27,31-35,38-46 even

14 Homework check Pages 18-20 1,2,3-11 odd,13,14,15-21 odd,22-27,31-35,38-46 even 7,5,19,23,31 student examples

15 Check Answers

16 Homework Page 24-26 Problems: 1,2,7-11,13-16,21-28,32-38,41-46,50-56

17 Friday 8/13/10 Do this in your note book (next top page):
Write: at the top of the page: Write Equations and Inequalities Do: define the following words: equation, inequality, open sentence, solution of an equation, solution of an inequality.

18 Writing Equations and Inequalities
Watch the demo…..

19 Friday 8/13/10 Copy: Be careful of “less than” and less. Symbol
Less than means subtracted from. Less means minus Symbol Meaning Associated words = Is equal to The same as < Is less than Fewer than Is less than or equal to At most, no more than > Is greater than More than Is greater than or equal to At least, no more than

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