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Tertiary Collimators in IP1/IP5: Progress Report

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1 Tertiary Collimators in IP1/IP5: Progress Report
LARP Collaboration Fermilab Tertiary Collimators in IP1/IP5: Progress Report Nikolai Mokhov, Fermilab CERN/LARP Collimation Meeting August 23, 2006

2 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov
OUTLINE IP1/IP5 MARS15 Extended Model Beam-Gas and Betatron Cleaning Radiation in Inner Triplet and TCTs CERN/LARP Collimation, Aug. 23, 2006 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov

3 IP1/IP5 MARS15 Extended Model
Machine, interface and related detector elements in  550 m from IP1 and IP5: 3-D geometry, materials, magnetic fields, tunnel and rock outside (up to 12 m laterally). Tungsten tertiary collimators TCTV and TCTH at and m from IP, respectively, aligned wrt BEAM2 coming to IP5 and BEAM1 coming to IP1. First source: tails from betatron cleaning in IP7 – files of proton hits in TCTs for BEAM1 and BEAM2 from Tom Weiler. Second source: beam-gas interactions of BEAM2 at 0 to 550-m from IP5 using gas pressure map from CERN colleagues. MARS15 calculations: power density and dynamic heat loads in inner triplet quads, absorbed and residual doses in the entire region, and particle fluxes at CMS and ATLAS. Most calculations completed for IP5; started for IP1. CERN/LARP Collimation, Aug. 23, 2006 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov

4 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov
TCTV and TCTH Models Aspect ratio V:H = 1:12 CERN/LARP Collimation, Aug. 23, 2006 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov

5 Betatron Cleaning: Hadron Fluxes in IR5
Total in TCT – TAN region Charged hadrons at 0 to 150 m CERN/LARP Collimation, Aug. 23, 2006 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov

6 Betatron Cleaning: Radiation Loads in IR5
Peak power density in Q3 SC coils: 6.e-5 mW/g Peak absorbed dose: a few kGy/yr Peak residual dose: 7 mSv/hr CERN/LARP Collimation, Aug. 23, 2006 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov

7 Betatron Cleaning: Radiation Loads in TCT-TAN Region
Peak absorbed dose: 12 MGy/yr in jaws, 20 kGy/yr outside jaws Peak residual dose: 8 mSv/hr on jaws, 0.1 mSv/hr around TCTs CERN/LARP Collimation, Aug. 23, 2006 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov

8 Beam-Gas Interactions in IR5
Driver for detector backgrounds at large radii CERN/LARP Collimation, Aug. 23, 2006 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov

9 Beam-Gas Induced Radiation Loads
Peak power density in SC coils: 3.e-5 mW/g (twice lower than from BC) Peak power density in SC coils without TCTs: 1.5e-4 mW/g Radiation levels in TCT-TAN about 20 times lower than from betatron cleaning CERN/LARP Collimation, Aug. 23, 2006 IP1/IP5 TCT Collimators - N.V. Mokhov

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