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2 Chemistry is the science in which substances are examined to find out:
1) What they are made of 2) How they act under different conditions 3) How they are combined or separated to form other substances. Sodium in water. Hyperlink on sodium in water Table salt (NaCl) is made up of the elements sodium and chlorine. Chlorine gas is extremely poisonous.

3 Everything around us is made up of chemicals!
Why do we study chemistry? Everything around us is made up of chemicals! AND YOU!

4 WHAT IS A A chemical is any substance used or produced in a chemical process. The process can be industrial (carried out in a factory): - the production of synthetic fabrics like polyester, spandex, nylon and fleece. - the creation of cosmetics. - plastics

5 Or the process can be natural (carried out in living organisms):
the production of wood by trees. the production of silk by silk worms. the production of cotton. * All substances are made up of chemicals or combinations of chemicals.

6 SOME COMMON CHEMICALS Baking Soda - Sodium bicarbonate
Aspirin – acetylsalicylic acid Nail polish remover - acetone Battery acid – sulfuric acid Chalk – calcium carbonate Vitamin C - ascorbic acid  Vinegar – acetic acid

7 Chemical Properties are the characteristics that we can use to describe or identify different substances. Properties include: - state (solid, liquid, gas) - colour - texture - luster (shiny or dull) - crystal structure - taste - odour - solubility (how well it dissolves in water) - freezing/melting/boiling points - behavior (does it burn, rot, explode)

8 State the property that is being explored in the following pictures.

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