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Peripheral circulation I: Physiology of the vascular wall

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1 Peripheral circulation I: Physiology of the vascular wall

2 Regulation of regional blood flow
Resistance vessels (arterioles): changes in diameter Vasodilation Vasoconstriction Changes in the diameter of open vessels Changes in the number of open vessels („recruitment“) Prerequisite: basal tone nerve-independent sympathetic tone 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

3 Vascular smooth muscle contraction
Actin (thin filaments) attached to dense bodies made of -actin (in cytoplasm & inner side of membrane) Myosin (thick filaments) hexamere of 2 heavy & 2 different pairs of light chains 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

4 Vascular smooth muscle (VSM) contraction
1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

5 Vascular wall physiology
VSM contraction Slow Strong Lasting w/o ATP, the N-terminal (catalytic) myosin head is attached to actin filament (maintains tone with minimal energy) Intercellular communication via gap junctions 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

6 Activation of VSM contractile apparatus
a Ca2+ Ca-calmodulin Calmodulin MLC phosphorylation MLC kin ase Ca-calmodulin-MLCK unblocks its ATP ase activity Light (regulatory) myosin chain (MLC) MLC-P a ATP ase activity of myosin Actin Contraction 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

7 Vascular wall physiology
VSM inactivation  [Ca2+]i  influx pumping outside Ca2+ ATPase Na/Ca antiport pumping to reticulum (SERCA) Ca2+-independent MLC phosphatase prevails over MLCK   MLC phosphorylation ( activity) 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

8 Excitation-contraction coupling
Electromechanical voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VOC) Pharmacomechanical receptor-operated Ca2+ channels (ROC) Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum Sensitization Rho kinase  MLC phosphorylation A, C, G kinases  MLC phosphatase inhibition 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

9 Phospholipase C  IP3 + DAG
from membrane phospholipids IP3 activates Ca channel of endoplasmic reticulum DAG  PKC affinity to Ca 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

10 Vascular wall physiology
cAMP Vasodi -lation MLC phosphatase MLCP 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

11 Vascular wall physiology
cGMP Vasodi -lation MLC phosphatase MLCP 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

12 Vascular tone regulation
Local (mainly , brain, kidney): autoregulation of blood flow Neural (mainly skin, GIT): inter-organ distribution important where local flow can be reduced for the sake of the whole body (blood pressure maintenance) almost not at all in brain &  Humoral - total PVR 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

13 Local autoregulation of blood flow
(ml/min/kg) Perfusion pressure (mmHg) 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

14 Blood flow autoregulation
Importance: Adjusts perfusion to metabolic needs Constant flow during pressure alterations Rises towards periphery Mechanisms: Myogenic response Metabolic regulation 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

15 Myogenic response to pressure changes
Normalized diameter Transmural pressure (cmH2O) Flow = 0 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

16 Vascular wall physiology
Myogenic response Mechanisms unclear Stretch-activated cation channel Ca2+ influx Important e.g. for orthostasis upright   transmural pressure in legs myogenic vasoconstriction prevents excessive redistribution of blood to legs & edema 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

17 Vascular wall physiology
Metabolic regulation Candidates (complement each other): O2 CO2 H+ lactate K+ adenosine (probably also  NE release from SNS terminals) Flow Pressure 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

18 Organs without autoregulation (skin,…)
Metabolic component minimal due to low metabolism Myogenic component suppressed by NO NO inhibition unmasks skin myogenic autoregulation 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

19 Coordination of arterial & arteriolar dilation
Vasodilation of peripheral arterioles accelerates flow in larger feeding arteries Shear stress  NOS activation Arterial relaxation NO in this situation indispensable Intact Normalized diameter Without endothelim Pohl U., de Wit C.: News Physiol. Sci. 14: 74-80, 1999. Pressure gradient (cmH2O) (~ flow) 1:22 PM Transmur. pressure =konst.

20 Vascular wall physiology
Endothelium Nitric oxide (NO) vasodilation via cGMP  G kinase Prostacyclin (PGI2) vasodilation via cAMP  A kinase Endothelin (mainly ET-1, also -2 a -3) 21 amino acids from pro-ET-1 (38 AA) by endothelin converting enzyme receptors via G-proteins: ETA on VSM (mainly intracellular Ca2+) ETB releases NO & PGI2 from endothelium Angiotensin conversion 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

21 Neural regulation of vascular tone
Essentially only sympathicus Mostly adrenergic Mainly vasoconstriction Parasympathicus only a bit in face, colon, bladder & genital (erection) Cholinergic Vasodilation From pressoric & depressoric area of the cardiovascular center in medulla 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

22 Vascular wall physiology
1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

23 Sympathicus: NA terminals
 receptors - vasoconstriction more sensitive to NA from nerve terminals than to circulating adrenaline predominant in skin, kidney,…  receptors - vasodilation more sensitive to circulating adrenaline than to NA predominant in skeletal muscle similar expression of  a  in coronary & GIT vessels flow redistribution to muscle during exercise Some SNS terminals in vessels are cholinergic vasodilation skeletal muscle importance ?? ( muscle flow when exercise anticipated ?) 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

24 Sympathetic regulation of vascular tone
Capacitance vessels (veins) more sensitive (& have  basal tone) ( CO before  tissue perfusion) SNS lowers filtration to tissues ( filtration pressure) 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

25 Vascular wall physiology
Baroreceptors Carotid sinus (more sensitive) & aortic arch Activation by stretch Via glossopharyngeal nerve to medulla (nucleus tractus solitarius) Sympathetic tone  Sensitivity  in hypertension (stiffer carotid sinus) Sometimes hypersensitivity  hypotension & fainting because of tight collar 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

26 Vascular wall physiology
Chemoreceptors Peripheral (O2 in carotid & aortic bodies): only small, supportive role Central (CO2/pH in hypothalamus): massive vasoconstriction (protects CNS from ischemia) 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

27 Humoral regulation of VSM: circulating hormones
Adrenaline: (importance < NA from SNS) Skeletal muscles:  low dose,  high dose Skin & other organs: only  vasoconstriction Angiotensin II: ACE from A-I, A-I from angiotensinogen by renin (released from kidny in hypotension or  volume) mainly AT1 receptors AT2 opposite effects, but little AT2 in vessels (their activation can  during AT1 inhibition because of feed-back  A II - therapeutic significance) BROWN NJ, VAUGHAN DE: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Circulation 97: ; 1998. 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

28 Humoral regulation of VSM: circulating hormones
ANP: atrial distention natriuresis, vasodilation via cGMP Endogenous ouabain (Na-K ATPase inhibitor) Na/K ATPase is electrogenic (3 Na out, 2 K in)  its inhibition depolarizes but  natriuresis by inhibition of Na pumping from primary urine   volume   pressure Adrenomedullin (peptide from adrenal medulla)  cAMP in VSM  NO in endothelium 1:22 PM Vascular wall physiology

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