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Task-based learning: programming, delivery and assessment

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1 Task-based learning: programming, delivery and assessment
18 March, 2016

2 Introductory questions
What are/should be the objects of Language learning? How do we know that something has been achieved? What is the something? Focus on key messages Avoid unnecessary details  Organise points from the most to the least important Aim for three points per slide and six words per point Use graphs in your slides, images to complement your words Graphs provide a visual summary of data and are easy for the audience to process (column, pie, line etc) Flowcharts show relationships, milestones and processes Tables keep things neat (timelines, agenda items etc) A picture is worth a thousand words – consider using screenshots to show your point Videos allow you to show rather than tell, and can reinforce your message Make handouts from speaker notes

3 ‘Task’ in Languages syllabuses
tasks … (are) … an organising principle in structuring a program that allows the student to work towards meeting the objectives and outcomes. This has implications for programming, delivery and assessment

4 Task definition A task involves the purposeful use of language. Tasks must have a purpose and may include a process, product and/or audience. The task may be authentic, ie conduct a Language-speaking person around a school, or simulated, ie write a letter of introduction to an imaginary penfriend. ……. A task should provide the student with opportunities to go beyond modelled or practised language.

5 Exercises and tasks Learn to recite the days of the week. Exercise
Introduce yourself to a class of Japanese students and answer questions. Task

6 Onions and risotto If the task is the make a risotto, you wouldn’t spend time discussing how to de-bone a chicken. You would only introduce the structures and vocabulary necessary to complete the task successfully.

7 Handout 1 If the task is the make a risotto, you wouldn’t spend time discussing how to de-bone a chicken. You would only introduce the structures and vocabulary necessary to complete the task successfully.

8 How about songs? Exercise or task?

9 Task definition The task could be to learn, using the target language as the language of instruction and execution, a new sport or song, learn to paint a picture or undertake an experiment.

10 Never have an exercise without a task
The most important thing I can tell you

11 What do you want your students to learn …
at the end of a lesson? at the end of a term? at the end of a year? Another way of thinking about this is ‘What do we want kids to be able to do?’. Keep an end point in mind Sturcutre your progam as a series of ever more demanding tasks.

12 New (2015) Advice on assessment and programming
Scope and sequence Unit of work

13 How do we program this? Term 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Unit 1: Introducing self and family Focus task 1: Students present information (in one of a range of formats) about themselves to a group of exchange students (class mates) and respond to follow up questions. Focus task 2: Students compose a first letter to a new penfriend. Syllabus topic elements: Family life and pastimes Focus outcomes:

14 HANDOUT 2: scope and sequence
Notes Focus on key messages Avoid unnecessary details  Organise points from the most to the least important Aim for three points per slide and six words per point Use graphs in your slides, images to complement your words Graphs provide a visual summary of data and are easy for the audience to process (column, pie, line etc) Flowcharts show relationships, milestones and processes Tables keep things neat (timelines, agenda items etc) A picture is worth a thousand words – consider using screenshots to show your point Videos allow you to show rather than tell, and can reinforce your message Make handouts from speaker notes

15 HANDOUT 3: unit of work Notes Focus on key messages
Avoid unnecessary details  Organise points from the most to the least important Aim for three points per slide and six words per point Use graphs in your slides, images to complement your words Graphs provide a visual summary of data and are easy for the audience to process (column, pie, line etc) Flowcharts show relationships, milestones and processes Tables keep things neat (timelines, agenda items etc) A picture is worth a thousand words – consider using screenshots to show your point Videos allow you to show rather than tell, and can reinforce your message Make handouts from speaker notes

Focus on the task: what do students need to do it? Prepare for differentiation How will I assess it? Notes Focus on key messages Avoid unnecessary details  Organise points from the most to the least important Aim for three points per slide and six words per point Use graphs in your slides, images to complement your words Graphs provide a visual summary of data and are easy for the audience to process (column, pie, line etc) Flowcharts show relationships, milestones and processes Tables keep things neat (timelines, agenda items etc) A picture is worth a thousand words – consider using screenshots to show your point Videos allow you to show rather than tell, and can reinforce your message Make handouts from speaker notes

17 How do you currently assess?
Notes If any time remaining talk about CLIL

Embedding assessment Marks and comments Portfolios Observation Approaches to A-E grading Notes If any time remaining talk about CLIL

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