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5th grade Social Studies Mrs. Bomberger

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1 5th grade Social Studies Mrs. Bomberger
Immigration This lesson is to teach a 5th grade social studies lesson on Immigration. The lesson is designed for a 40 minute class. This lesson is the 3rd lesson in the Immigration Unit. Students have already completed a family interview form and done some research on their family history. Objective: Essential Question: Why did different groups of people come to the United States of America? What is an immigrant? Materials: KWL chart, KWL worksheet, Immigration Identification Card, Digital Camera or black and white copy of student’s I,D, photo, approximate size is 2” by 3”, glue, black and blue pens/sharpies, scissors, colored pencils, CO (hand computers out immediately). Begin lesson by having students share what they found out about their family from yesterday’s internet activity ( Compare what types of jobs people had, where they lived, country of origin, Confederate or Union representation among families. (See worksheet from yesterday) 5th grade Social Studies Mrs. Bomberger

2 Pick one person in the photo. Turn and tell your partner
Activating activity: Have students look at the picture. In a think pairshare, students should turn and tell their partner about the way one person in the picture is feeling and what they may be thinking as they enter this new land. Discuss answers as a class. Play video clip/podcast on Immigration. Double click on the hyperlink. This will take you to Schooltube. Click the play button and adjust the sound accordingly. After video is complete, ask for student reaction. Was there anything on the video that caught their eye and they are curious about? Tell the students that they will see similar photographs in tomorrow’s activity, ie., Immigrants being examined as they enter Ellis Island. After discussing the video/podcast, ask students to get out their vocabulary rings and click the next slide. Pick one person in the photo. Turn and tell your partner what you think the person is thinking and feeling as they enter this new land?

3 Today’s Vocabulary Words
Immigration A person who enters and settles in a country or region to which one is not a native. Immigrate To come to a place or country of which one is not a native in order to settle there NOTE: While students are working on their vocabulary cards, the teacher and/or any parent volunteers can begin taking a black and white digital picture of the students. Take a picture of their head only (shoulders up).Remind students that they may put on hats, scarves and coats in order to look like an immigrant from years ago. Students may choose whatever they would like to wear. Introduce new vocabulary words: Immigration, Immigrate, and Emigrate. Students should take approximately 5 minutes to look up the words online using “The Free Dictionary” website. Students should put the 3 new vocabulary words and definitions on 3x5 study cards. Definitions go on one side and the vocabulary word on the other side. Students should put their new words on their vocabulary ring. Before putting away vocabulary cards, review definitions with the class to assure that all students have correct and complete definitions. Prior to pushing the “next button”, play drum roll (top left of the screen). Ask for student volunteers to define the words. After each definition push the next button and each of the definitions will fly in. Ask students “When and where do you see Welcome signs and when and where do you see Exit signs? Reinforce the signs/pictures with the definition. Emigrate To leave one’s place or country, especially one's native country, in order to settle in another.

4 ESSENTIAL QUESTION Why did different groups of people come to the United States of America? 2) What is an immigrant? Introduce essential questions for today’s lesson. Question 1- Why did different groups of people come to the United States of America? Ask students to reflect on what their family members told them in their previous homework activity.Why did their relatives come to America? They should also reflect on the internet activity search that we did in class yesterday too. Answers will vary. Question 2- What is an Immigrant? (Remind the students of the welcome sign. Usually you see a welcome sign as you enter a building, crossing a county,town, county or state line, etc.) Immigrants are people who are entering or coming to a new land.

5 Know Want to know Learned KWL CHART Fill in your KWL chart
Hand out KWL charts. Give one to each student. As a class: brainstorm what we know about immigration. If Smart board is available, have students write on Smartboard. If a Smartboard is not available, use a whiteboard or chalkboard to write facts. Students should fill their sheets in as we go along. Next, complete “want to know” section. Ask students to take a minute and write down a minimum of two things that they would like to know more about regarding immigration. Go around the room and ask each student to share one of their thoughts. Record their thoughts on the board. The class will complete the “Learned” section after tomorrow’s activity. Fill in your KWL chart as we go over it

6 During the period from the United States experienced the largest wave of immigrants in its history. No other nation has ever had to deal with such huge numbers of people at one time. Before 1860 immigrants mainly came from Europe. After 1860 there was a huge influx of people from southern and eastern Europe. Bullet 1- Ask for a student volunteer to read the first bullet. Ask for any predictions why this might be happening. Bullet 3- after reading the bullet note slide 7 has a chart which interprets the influx of immigrants. Bullet 4- Ask students “Why do you think people left their countries?” Support with reasons. Ask if they know why their families came to America?

7 Have students interpret data on chart
Have students interpret data on chart. First ask students “What is the title is of the chart?” (Immigration to the United States, ). Ask students from what year to what year is represented on the chart? ( ) Ask student to describe how the number of immigrants is being measured? (Immigrants in thousands). Ask which group of people represent each line. During what year did each group reach their highest immigration status to the United States? (What year did they peak?)

8 Immigrants also heard attractive stories about life and opportunities
Many immigrants loved their countries in which they were born and probably would have chosen to stay if there were better political or economic conditions that “pushed” them to move. Immigrants also heard attractive stories about life and opportunities in the U.S., which, like a magnet, “pulled “ them toward America. In the early 1900’s Ellis Island was the port of entry for about 90 percent of all arriving immigrants. Ask a student to read bullet 1. Ask what is meant by political conditions? Ask what is meant by economic conditions? Ask for a student volunteer to read bullet 2. What kind of attractive stories do you think the immigrants heard about America? Ask for a student volunteer to read bullet 3. Ask if anyone knows where Ellis Island is located? Has anyone been to NY? Has anyone been to the Statue of Liberty?

9 Immigration Identification Cards
Today we are going to be making our own Immigration Identification cards. What type of information do you think is on this type of identification card? We will be using the cards for an activity that we will be doing tomorrow. Ask students if anyone has ever traveled and had to produce identification? Ask students why people would need identification cards? Ask students what other forms of identification we use today to travel? Compare ID then and now. Must we use identification to travel? Is it mandatory or optional? When is it mandatory and when is ID optional (flying-mandatory, buses-no, train-no)? Ask students to predict what they think is on the immigration identification cards. Double check if everyone has gotten their picture taken for the identification cards. Students will fill in their information on the card. Remind students to write neatly on their identification cards. Colored pencils can be used to make the card look more authentic. Students will glue their picture on the back. Remind students that their cards will be used for the activity tomorrow.

10 PASSPORT Family Name________ First Name_________ Place of Birth_______
(town, country) Year of Birth_______ Age______________ Height____________ Color of Hair_______ Color of Eyes_______ Passport Issued at __________________ Date Issued__________ Signature____________ This slide represents the passport that the students will be filling in for today’s activity. Review what is meant by Family Name (last name) and where the passport was issued (country which they came from). Remind students to write neatly and to sign their passport in cursive where it says signature.

11 To Make Immigration Identification Cards
You will need to have your picture taken. You will need your immigration identification Card. You will need the following items from the student center: Glue Scissors Blue or black sharpie Colored pencils Be sure student pictures were downloaded on computer. Print in black and white. Ask one of the parent volunteers to retrieve pictures from copier or better yet print to printer in the room if one is available. Hand pictures out. Dismiss students by tables to the student center which has all of the necessary supplies. Students may begin as soon as they have their materials.

12 = Can you help SUMMARIZE? Let’s SUMMARIZE what we have learned!
With approximately 7 minutes left in the class. Ask students to summarize what we learned today on immigration today. =

13 Forecast for Tomorrow’s Lesson
You will experience what it was like to be an Immigrant coming to America. Bring your Immigration Identification card. You will be able to “dress” as an Immigrant. Don’t forget to bring additional hats, scarves, coats, etc. With approximately 5-7 minutes left in the class Forecast for Tomorrow’s Lesson. Tell the students that they may still bring in clothing, hats, canes, etc., for our immigration activity tomorrow. If students have anything that represents their heritage, they are welcome to bring it in and wear it. We will be using the immigration cards that we made today to enter America. There will be stations around the room. You will move around from station to station gathering facts and answering questions.

14 Ticket Out The Door What are you still curious about
Three minutes before class ends or when students are finished with their identification cards, have students pick up a ticket out the door and fill out today’s question. Leave the last slide up on the screen while students make their immigration identification card. The question is “What are you still curious about regarding immigration?” Each student will hand the teacher their ticket out the door prior to leaving class. What are you still curious about regarding immigration?

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