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10/19/2018 Report Project Status Version 23

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Presentation on theme: "10/19/2018 Report Project Status Version 23"— Presentation transcript:

1 10/19/2018 Report Project Status Version 23
NNTRC-NN Cyber Team Project NN Infrastructure Assessment and FirstNet Highlights 10/19/2018 Report Project Status Version 23 4/10/2019

2 Navajo Nation Cyber Team
4/10/2019 2

3 Status Report Part 1 1 Part 2 2 Part 3 3 Part 4 4 4/10/2019

4 Status Report – Part 1 Agency Action Item Total Chinle Reporting 15
Chinle Total Eastern 32 Eastern Total Fort Defiance 25 Fort Defiance Total Northern 20 Northern Total Western 18 Western Total Grand Total 110 Status Report – Part 1 4/10/2019

5 Status Report – Sample Basic Report Part 1

6 Part 2 – grid Survey 4/10/2019

7 Count of Structure Type
Summary Of Structures Structure Type Count of Structure Type Water Tank 466 Lattice Tower - 3 Leg SST 254 Guyed Tower 101 Monopole 92 Roof Top 82 Pipe 44 Water Tower 33 Lattice Tower - 4 Leg SST 26 Wood Pole 13 Tower TBD 11 COW 2 Array of Lattice Towers 1

8 Summary Of Structures heights
Structure Height (ft) Qty 10 6 30 67 60 100 90 50 29 120 32 150 42 180 96 199 200 14 250 15 300 7 400 12 500 1

9 Part 2 – Cellular-Like Sites 221 Sites - 194 Structures
SBI/CellOne 114 NTUAW 85 VZW 11 ATT 10 Dated 05/2018 4/10/2019

10 Samples Pics Part 1 Assessment

11 Data analytics on government entities
110 CHAPTERS SURVEYED AND ADJACENT OFFICES Data collected to identify Current services: Internet Phone Fiber Copper lines It infrastructure and support Different types of scenarios encounter 4/10/2019

12 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

13 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

14 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

15 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

16 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

17 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

18 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

19 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

20 Chapter and Entities Field Surveys

21 Samples Pics Part 2 Assessment

22 Data analytics on telecom infrastructures
> 1000 telecom facilities surveyed Over 600 structure between pipes, monopoles, tower, CHAPTERS SURVEYED AND ADJACENT OFFICES Over 400 water tanks (NO TELECOM FACILITATES BUT COULD BE CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE USE TO LAND STATUS) Data collected to identify Current OWNERS Identify commercial owner, privates owners and others type of ownership CURRENT FACILITIES TO THE TELECOM SITES TRANSPORT: Microwave, copper and fiber Utilities such as power, water, gas Road conditions Usability and status of the sites Nearly half of the structures apparently would support additional collocation There are several private facilities that collocation may be difficult or unfriendly Scenarios of sites telecom Identify what and how telecom facilities have been deployed in the area and make sure proper permit, regulations , rules do cover tall the different scenarios 4/10/2019

23 Monopoles and water tanks

24 Towers (busy!!) 4/10/2019

25 Towers 4/10/2019

26 Small structures 4/10/2019

27 Towers 4/10/2019

28 Rooftop cellular 4/10/2019

29 Structures 4/10/2019

30 Sample reports Pdf and kml 4/10/2019

31 4/10/2019

32 4/10/2019

33 4/10/2019


35 No fence or secured compound.
Issues: Tower abandoned. No fence or secured compound. Red Lake McKinley, NM.

36 No fence or secured compound.
Issues: No fence or secured compound. Missing signage, Tower owner and POC information. Huerfano San Juan County, NM.

37 No fence or secured compound.
Issues: No fence or secured compound. Missing signage, Tower owner and POC information. Black Mesa Navajo County, AZ.

38 Issues: Rough access road. Navajo Mountain San Juan County, UT.

39 Cable run from tower not properly secured.
Issues: Cable run from tower not properly secured. Roof Bute Apache County, AZ.

40 Abandoned pieces of hardware or equipment laying on the ground.
Issues: Abandoned pieces of hardware or equipment laying on the ground. Preston Mesa Coconino County, AZ.

41 Now that we have the data what??
Lots of data has been collected What can we do with the data Options Opportunities Challenges standarization Now that we have the data what?? 4/10/2019

42 Funding opportunities
Standardization on government institutions Services provides and services requesting Bargain power Identify who and what services can be purchased and optimized the cost Improve technical support and maintenance operation Improvement of LAN and WAN networks Identify the best and most cost effective service provider Bulk discount Implement better use of the resources Infrastructure Backbone Fiber and wireless Access Community networks Local lans 4/10/2019

43 Funding opportunities specific examples no recurrent cost
Establish a dedicated backbone Could require several millions of dollars ($5M-$6M) Establish Improve and enhanced public safety two way network Should be in the hundreds of thousands ($825K) Improve and enhanced Build new infrastructure related tower and structures It is calculated as high level another tower are required Build Build access networks Community network VoIP network Funding opportunities specific examples no recurrent cost 4/10/2019

44 Funding opportunities specific examples recurrent cost
Cost for interconnect and internet access Average cost varies between $10/MB - $55/Mb VoIP service Implement sip trunking Average cost of per sip connection, which is half in most cases compared with standard phone service Transport and internet services Training related computer literacy and internet connectivity Training about entrepreneurship and economic development Small business development It learning Land use Telecom infrastructure Planning and zoning Process and procedures Funding opportunities specific examples recurrent cost 4/10/2019

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