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Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures
Design Question 7 - Element 34: What does the teacher do to apply consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures?

2 Before we begin… Before we begin talking about element thirty-three, let’s be sure that there is an understanding about how the elements in Design Question 7 are related. This is important as you plan your lessons. Directions: watch the video on the next slide. Please take notes, documenting how the elements in Design Question 7 are related.

3 Video – How do the elements in DQ7 relate to each other?
Please click on the link to view the video from Pasco County Schools that provides an introduction to the elements in Design Question 7.

4 How do the elements in Design Question 7 relate to each other?
You should have noticed that: Elements 33, 34, and 35 are intertwined. First, you must demonstrate “withitness” to know when students are or are not adhering to rules and procedures. Then, you must respond accordingly. Although these elements are definitely enacted on the spot in response to student behaviors, they should definitely be planned for. You and your students should know in advance what the consequences for lack of adherence to rules will be as well as how you will acknowledge those students who are adhering the rules. Now let’s talk about element 34, specifically.

5 Review Teacher and Student Evidence NOTE: This list of evidence is not all inclusive but is instead a list of possible examples.

6 Review Scale for Element 34

7 Desired Effect in the Students
The desired effect is, “students adhere to rules and procedures as a result of the teacher applying consequences consistently and fairly.” To receive an Innovating rating, the teacher must monitor and make accommodations so that every student in their classroom achieves this desired effect.

8 Task While watching the following video, identify:
What the teacher does to acknowledge lack of adherence to rules and procedures. What Marzano states the teacher could have done if the students had not then complied with the rules and procedures. What other term might be used instead of consequences. *You will need to be logged in at in order to view the following video. If the link does not work, please copy and past this web address:

9 Video Questions Q: What did the teacher do to acknowledge a lack of adherence to rules and procedures? A: The teacher verbally redirected the students to keep their hands of the materials. He acknowledged that he knew the students were excited, but restated the expectation that they listen to the directions. One of the fastest ways, with the least time away from task to acknowledge a lack of adherence to rules and procedures is to simply point out that the rule is not being followed and restate what the students should be doing. Q: What does Marzano state the teacher could have done if the students did not comply with the rules and procedures? A: Marzano explains that if students had not complied the teacher would need to apply a consequence at this point. Q: What other term might be used instead of consequences? A: Another term for consequences is discipline. However, Marzano prefers the term consequences.

10 Task While watching the video, identify what the teacher does to acknowledge a lack of adherence to rules and procedures. After watching the video you will be asked to identify the teacher and student evidence to rate the teacher on this element.

11 Video - What does the teacher do to acknowledge a lack of adherence to rules and procedures?
*You will need to be logged in at in order to view the following video. If the link does not work, please copy and past this web address:

12 Task On the next slide is the teacher and student evidence. What evidence did you see and were able to document? Use this to rate the teacher as you walk through the next few slides.

13 Review Teacher and Student Evidence What did you see?

14 Review Teacher and Student Evidence What did we see?

15 How to Rate Teacher and Student Evidence
You can only give credit for what you see. Teacher provides verbal signals’ when students behavior is not appropriate. When the teacher noticed that the students had not developed and written out a step by step plan for completing the task prior to beginning, she stopped the group and reinforced the procedure by reminding them of the first step of the assignment. Students cease inappropriate behavior when signaled by the teacher. Once the teacher verbally signaled the students, each member of the group began discussing and writing down a plan before beginning the assignment.

16 Review Scale for Element 34 to Rate the Teacher

17 How we Rated the Teacher
We rated the teacher as innovating. When students were not following the procedure, she gave them a verbal reminder and explanation of the expectations for the assignment. She then monitored to determine that the desired effect was evident in all students, which it was. The nature of the very low teacher to student ratio as well as the thoughtful grouping of students lends itself nicely to an innovating rating.

18 Additional Resources You need to be logged into Copy and paste the following links for further reading related to element 34.

19 Is this element in your PGP? Then you need to…
Sign into Click on the Growth tab and then click on the Plans option. Open your current plan and fill out a new Reflection Log, answering the appropriate questions. Decide how you will change your teaching as a result of viewing this module. Execute your change, reflect on its impact, and fill out another Reflection Log in iObservation.

20 Further questions? Here are resources in case you have further questions: Your evaluator Another evaluator on your campus Your school’s Classroom Practice Mentor (CPM)

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