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A Series of Slides in 5 Parts Movement 2. BFS

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1 A Series of Slides in 5 Parts Movement 2. BFS
Maze Running in C Minor A Series of Slides in 5 Parts Movement 2. BFS

2 AT: AA QUEUE: AB We will mark the nodes as visited in order to be compliant with how the visualizer code works. No visit information is actually being stored.. KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

3 AT: AB QUEUE: AA AC BB Note that we added AA to the queue. We could choose not to add the node we came from, but we are doing so anyhow to show that it will only slowdown the search. KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

4 AT: AA QUEUE: AC BB AB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

5 AT: AC QUEUE: BB AB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

6 AT: BB QUEUE: AB AB BA CB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

7 AT: AB QUEUE: AB BA AB CB AA AC BB Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

8 AT: AB QUEUE: BA AB CB AA AC BB Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

9 AT: BA QUEUE: AB CB AA AC BB Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

10 AT: AB QUEUE: CB AA AC BB CB Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

11 AT: CB QUEUE: AA AC BB AA CB DB Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

12 AT: AA QUEUE: AC BB AA AC CB DB AB Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

13 AT: AC QUEUE: BB AA AC BB CB DB AB BA DA Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

14 At this point, you should realize how inefficient BFS is without keeping visit information.
However, you should also see that it would eventually reach the exit due to the queue data structure. We will now start over.

15 AT: AA QUEUE: AB For each node, we will keep track of the node that we first came from to reach that node. KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

16 AT: AB QUEUE: AC BB Note that we did not add AA to the queue. This time, we do not add the node we came from. KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

17 AT: AC QUEUE: BB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

18 AT: BB QUEUE: BA CB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

19 AT: BA QUEUE: CB CA KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

20 AT: CB QUEUE: CA DB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

21 AT: CA QUEUE: DB DA KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

22 AT: DB QUEUE: DA DA DC EB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

23 AT: DA QUEUE: DA DC EB DB This is an interesting situation. We add DB and not CA to the code since we know that we reached DB through CA. KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

24 AT: DA QUEUE: DC EB DB This is an interesting situation. We add DB and not CA to the code since we know that we reached DB through CA. KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

25 AT: DC QUEUE: EB DB CC KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

26 AT: EB QUEUE: DB DB CC EA EC KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

27 AT: DB QUEUE: DB CC EA EC DA DC EB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

28 AT: DB QUEUE: CC EA EC DA DC EB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

29 AT: CC QUEUE: EA EC DA DC EB BC CD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

30 AT: EA QUEUE: EC DA DC EB BC CD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

31 AT: EC QUEUE: DA DC EB DA BC CD ED KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

32 AT: DA QUEUE: DC EB DA DC BC CD ED DB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

33 AT: DC QUEUE: EB DA DC EB BC CD ED DB CC KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

34 AT: EB QUEUE: DA DC EB BC CD ED DB CC EA EC KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

35 AT: DA QUEUE: DC EB BC CD ED DB CC EA EC KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

36 AT: DC QUEUE: EB BC CD ED DB CC EA EC KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

37 AT: EB QUEUE: BC CD ED DB CC EA EC Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

38 AT: BC QUEUE: CD ED DB CC EA EC BD Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

39 AT: CD QUEUE: ED DB CC EA EC BD Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

40 AT: ED QUEUE: DB CC EA EC DB BD DD Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

41 AT: DB QUEUE: CC EA EC DB CC BD DD DA DC EB Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

42 AT: CC QUEUE: EA EC DB CC EA BD DD DA DC EB BC CD Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

43 AT: EA QUEUE: EC DB CC EA EC BD DD DA DC EB BC CD Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

44 AT: EC QUEUE: DB CC EA EC BD DD DA DC EB BC CD ED Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

45 AT: DB QUEUE: CC EA EC BD DD DA DC EB BC CD ED Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

46 AT: CC QUEUE: EA EC BD DD DA DC EB BC CD ED Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

47 AT: EA QUEUE: EC BD DD DA DC EB BC CD ED Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

48 AT: EC QUEUE: BD DD DA DC EB BC CD ED Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

49 AT: BD QUEUE: DD DA DC EB BC CD ED AD Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

50 AT: DD QUEUE: DA DC EB BC CD ED DA AD Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited

51 Wow, that was still really inefficient.
What would happen if we kept track of the nodes we visited?

52 AT: AA QUEUE: AB For each node, we will keep track of the node that we first came from to reach that node. KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

53 AT: AB QUEUE: AC BB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

54 AT: AC QUEUE: BB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

55 AT: BB QUEUE: BA CB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

56 AT: BA QUEUE: CB CA KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

57 AT: CB QUEUE: CA DB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

58 AT: CA QUEUE: DB DA KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

59 AT: DB QUEUE: DA DA DC EB KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

60 AT: DA QUEUE: DA DC EB We still have the double DA effect occurring, but this time, we add no nodes to the queue since both neighbors of DA have already been visited. KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

61 AT: DA QUEUE: DC EB Ever have a feeling of déjà vu? KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

62 AT: DC QUEUE: EB CC KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

63 AT: EB QUEUE: CC EA EC KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

64 AT: CC QUEUE: EA EC BC CD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

65 AT: EA QUEUE: EC BC CD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

66 AT: EC QUEUE: BC CD ED KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

67 AT: BC QUEUE: CD ED BD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

68 AT: CD QUEUE: ED BD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

69 AT: ED QUEUE: BD DD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

70 AT: BD QUEUE: DD AD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

71 AT: DD QUEUE: AD KEY: GREEN – Start RED – Exit YELLOW – Visited Nodes are taken in the order: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT

72 That was better, wasn’t it
That was better, wasn’t it? We still explored the same number of nodes in the maze but with less repetition. However, did we change the principle that BFS always finds the optimal path? The answer is no. Convince yourself as to why this is true.

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