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Political Parties.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Parties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Parties

2 Party Definition. Vs. Interest Group. Vs. Social Movement
Three Faces of the Party Party-in-electorate Party-in-government Party organization


4 Views of “Parties” Madison as “factions”
Responsible Party Government Model Lipset & Rokkan: a stabilizing force

5 Functions of a Party Nominate candidates for office
Structure voting choice Propose alternative government programs and policies Coordinate the actions of government officials across institutional boundaries

6 Duverger’s Law operates at the district level
SMDP 2 party SMDM Multiparty, few effective parties PR multiparty

7 Even though the United States is a two party system, there have been occasional third parties which received substantial levels of popular support.

8 Minor Parties Bolter/splinter Farmer-labor Ideological protest

9 Electoral Realignment
Critical elections: 1828 1860 1896 1932 ??

10 1896 electoral map

11 Intensity of Feeling measured on a seven-point scale

12 Over the last 50 years, the US has experienced an increasing proportion of independent self-identifiers and weakening party loyalty.

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