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Notes: Subject and Theme

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1 Notes: Subject and Theme
Mrs. Pelletier English 1

2 Subject/Topic Subject: the topic of a work of literature
Examples: love, war, racism, WWII, fruit, peace, etc.

3 Theme Middle school definition: a message or lesson of a work of literature High school definition: a discovery of a truth about our own human experience

4 Theme Examples: No two readers state a theme in exactly the same way
All readers do not have to see the same theme in a story A reader does not have to agree with the theme of a story Examples: 1) Love is not always enough to make a relationship last. 2) Torture and fear of death can be used to control people. 3) Perception is reality.

5 Universal Theme Examples:
Universal theme: a theme which occurs over and over again in many works of literature Examples: 1) Don’t judge a book by its cover. 2) Love conquers all.


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