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Fishbanks A Renewable Resource Management Simulation John Sterman

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1 Fishbanks A Renewable Resource Management Simulation John Sterman
Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management and Engineering Systems Director MIT System Dynamics Group MIT Sloan School of Management

2 Fishbanks Introduction and purpose How to access the game How to play
Winslow Homer, The Herring Net Fishbanks game originally developed by Prof. Dennis Meadows. Web version developed by Prof. John Sterman, MIT Sloan School of Management, with help from Prof. Andrew King, Tuck School of Business, Dennis Meadows, Keith Eubanks, and Slides developed by Dennis Meadows, Andrew King, John Sterman.

3 Fishbanks You will play the role of a fishing company Let’s go over:
Competing against other companies Dealing with variations in fish populations and catch Let’s go over: The number of teams operating in the ocean Rules for buying, selling and ordering ships Operating costs, fish prices, fishing technology and parameters governing fish reproduction

4 Your Goal $ + Value of Fleet
Maximize your Net Worth at the end of the game. Net Worth = $ Bank Balance + Value of Fleet The winner is the team with the highest Net Worth at game end

5 Annual Profit Profit = Income – Expenses ($/year) Fish Sales
Ship Sales Interest Earnings Operating Costs Ship Purchases New Ship Orders Interest Charges

6 Income Fish Sales = Catch * Fish Price ($/Year) (Fish/Year) * ($/Fish)
Fish Price = $20/fish Ship Sales = Ships Sold * Ship Price ($/Year) (Ships/Year) * ($/Ship) Ship Price set by auction Interest = Minimum * Interest Rate Earnings Bank Balance ($/Year) ($) * (%/Year) Interest earned only if Minimum Balance is positive. Interest Rate = 2%/year

7 Expenses Operating = Annual cost for ships deployed to: Costs Harbor, Coast, and Deep Sea ($/Year) Harbor: $50, Coast: $150, Deep: $250 per ship per year Ship Purchases = Ships Bought * Ship Price ($/Year) (Ships/Year) * ($/Ship) Ship Price set by auction Interest = Minimum * Interest Charges Bank Balance Rate ($/Year) ($) * (%/Year) Interest charged whenever Minimum Balance is negative. Interest Rate 5%/year.

8 Expenses (continued) Each year you may order the construction of new ships. You pay for these ships this year and take delivery at the start of next year. New Ship = Ships Ordered * New Ship Price Purchases ($/Year) (Ships/Year) * ($/Ship) New Ship Price = $300/Ship Maximum New Ship Order is half of your current fleet (initial fleet + auction purchases), rounded up to the nearest whole number.

9 Sequence of Debits and Credits

10 Fishing Fleet Purchase from other teams via auctions - Order new ships
• Initial Fleet = 3 Ships/team • Fleet Growth Purchase from other teams via auctions - Order new ships • Fleet Reduction - Sales to other teams via auctions

11 Catch Catch influenced by: Number of Ships, Ship Effectiveness,

12 Ship Effectiveness 25

13 Recent History of the Fisheries

14 Let’s Go Fishing Winslow Homer, Fishing Boats, Key West (1903)

15 To Log On:




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