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OBJECTIVES Discuss the causes and effects of the Spanish American War

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1 OBJECTIVES Discuss the causes and effects of the Spanish American War
Ch 19.1 The War With Spain OBJECTIVES Discuss the causes and effects of the Spanish American War

2 Bellringer What is Puerto Rico’s relationship with the United States?

3 Copy HW Read and outline p focusing on the role and impact of the US government in each of the following areas: The Philippines Hawaii China Japan  Questions What factors caused the US to become involved in the Spanish American War? What is imperialism? Why did the Supreme Court strike down some of the Progressive legislation? What were the causes of the War of 1812?

4 Intro What economic role did the American colonies play in the British Empire?

5 Ch. 19 America and the World
War with Spain 1. Reasons for imperialism a. Economic 1.) Markets 2.) Raw materials

6 b. social 1.) spread democracy 2.) spread Christianity 3.) racial superiority *White Man’s Burden


8 c. Political 1.) US – more power 2.) fueling bases for warships 3.) naval bases - protection

9 2. Causes of the Spanish American War
1.) General Weyler’s Actions a.) Cubans put into concentration camps to prevent them from arming rebels b.) many died

10 “Reconcentration Policy”

11 b. Yellow Journalism 1.) sensationalized stories 2.) Hearst’s Journal and Pulitzer’s World compete for readers “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”

12 c. Desire to Protect US investments

13 d. DeLome Letter- criticized Pres. McKinley

14 e. Battleship Maine blew up
1.) blamed on the Spaniards 2.) “Remember the Maine! To Hell With Spain!”


16 f. April 20th, 1898 – US recognizes Cuba’s independence and offers military assistance

17 g. Teller Amendment – US claims no control over Cuba once it won its independence and that it would leave the people and gov. of Cuba alone

18 3. War – Apr. – July 1898 a.) 1st battle fought in the Philippines b.) US – destroys Spanish fleet c.) Dewey and Manila Bay

19 c.) Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders


21 d.) Malaria’s impacts

22 4. Effects of the Spanish American War
Cuba – independent Spain – ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the US US purchases the Philippines from Spain for $20 million

23 Closure Map – p – locate the following: Spain Guam Cuba the Philippines Puerto Rico

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