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Assessment Workshop September 16, 2009.

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1 Assessment Workshop September 16, 2009

2 Instructional Program Institutional Research Reports









11 Assessment Reports

12 Tips for Completing Assessment Reports
Reports will be due to your division dean no later than October 7th Please ensure that all quantitative data is reported in the results section in numeric form Please ensure that all critical thinking data (but only critical thinking data) has been submitted to the OIR in an excel spreadsheet All outcomes need to be summarized The analysis and action section is the most critical piece of the report THERE MUST BE SUBSTANCE HERE!!

13 Insufficient: Better:
Examples: Insufficient: “Goals were achieved, no further action planned at this time Better: “After analyzing the results of the year long assessment process it is clear that students are mastering the competency skills at or above the criteria set forth by the faculty. The department feels that the level of skill demonstrated by the students warrant an increase in the expected competency level. For the upcoming assessment cycle we will continue using the same assessment but with our data as our new baseline, and the criteria will now be 100% success.

14 Or: “After analyzing the results of the year long assessment process it is clear that students are mastering the competency skills at or above the criteria set forth by the faculty. The department feels that this piece of the curriculum is working well and students are learning the material in a consistent and thorough manner. Therefore the department will not continue with this particular assessment in the upcoming cycle. We plan to focus our attention in a different area of the curriculum that has not been assessed in the past.

15 Assessment Plans

16 Tips for Creating New Plans
Use what you learned from your previous assessment to create a new one If you have sufficiently covered a particular outcome, feel free to move on Communication and computation will need to be assessed in this cycle Feel free to try something new! Think about student learning outcomes versus program level outcomes Think about formative versus summative assessment

17 Summative versus Formative
Summarizes achievements for the purpose of accountability Primary focus in the cycle End of quarter testing or evaluation Culminating project Designed to evaluate learning or methods in order to make immediate adjustments Basics covered in , can focus more on this type Deeper level of analysis, reflection, and action Mid term exam Reflective assignment

18 Examples of Program Level Assessments
Course completion or retention Transitions into successive courses, both within a department and across Student success following developmental courses Online versus face-to-face Success following transfer

19 Final Thoughts What are you curious about?
Don’t be afraid to question, that’s the only way to improve! If you are unsure about data please ask the Office of Institutional Research Keep up the great work!

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