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Presentation on theme: "4/6/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/6/2019

2 Training Objectives Overview of Products and Features
Review and Clarify Presentation Modes ReadySet Curriculum Course Design Presentation Modes Actionpoint (PowerPointⓇ plug-in) Answer Key Maker 4/6/2019

3 Can you answer… How can we use Qwizdom Connect?
When can we use Qwizdom Connect? Why are we using Qwizdom Connect? Trainer: Facilitate discussion on these questions. Provide suggestions, such as: (elementary) at the beginning of each subject scheduled in day (secondary) at the beginning of each class period at the end of the class/subject as review right before a quiz/test as review right after a quiz/test 4/6/2019

4 How would you rate your ability to create or import a class list after this training?
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High

5 How would you rate your ability to search for and download curriculum after this training?
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

6 How would you rate your ability to present content as a Normal Presentation after this training?
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

7 How would you rate your ability to present content as a game after this training?
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

8 Actionpoint can -- Enable teacher and students to actively engage in presentations using Actionpoint Toolbar. Provide instant individual feedback and tracks performance. Plug into existing PowerPoint presentations. All of the above What?!? Wowzers! 4/6/2019

9 I am comfortable using Actionpoint.
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 6 = I have not used Actionpoint. 4/6/2019

10 How would you rate your ability to use Actionpoint after this training?
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

11 How would you rate your ability to generate a report after this training?
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

12 How would you rate your ability to create an Answer Key after this training?
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

13 How often do you think you will use the Answer Key feature in the future?
1 = Not at all 2 3 = A few times a month 4 5 = Almost daily 4/6/2019

14 Overall, what is your comfort level with using Connect as a result of this training?
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 6 = the same 4/6/2019

15 This training met my professional needs.
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

16 I was actively engaged throughout the training.
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

17 I feel the learning objectives were met in this training.
1 = Low 2 3 = Medium 4 5 = High 4/6/2019

18 Contact Us For additional information, support, and/or training, go to or Thank you. 4/6/2019

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